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muški rod

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1. The act of cutting something into parts; SYN. cutting.
2. The act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge; SYN. cutting.
3. A wound made by cutting; SYN. gash, slash, slice.
4. In films: an immediate transition from one shot to the next
5. The act of reducing the amount or numbe
6. The act of shortening something by cutting off the ends; SYN. cutting, cutting off.
7. The style in which a garment is cut
8. A piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass; SYN. cut of meat.
9. A share of the profits
10. A step on some scale
11. A stroke (in tennis or badminton or squash) that puts reverse spin on the ball
12. A trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation; SYN. gash.
13. An unexcused absence from class
14. The division of a deck of cards before dealing; SYN. cutting.
15. A canal made by erosion or excavation.
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baseball swing · cold shoulder · cut of meat · cutting · cutting off · deletion · excision · gash · slash · slice · snub · stinger · swing · track · undercut + prikaži više



ETYM Latin scissio, from scindere, scissum, to cut, to split: cf. French scission.
The act of dividing by cutting or splitting.
Cutting; division; splitting.



ETYM as. scor twenty, from sceran, scieran, to shear, cut, divide; or rather the kindred Icel. skor incision, twenty, akin to Dan. skure a notch, Swed. skara. Related to Shear.
. A number that expresses the accomplishment of a team or an individual in a game or contest.
2. The act of scoring in a game or sport.
3. The facts about an actual situation.
4. A set of twenty members.
5. A notch that is made to keep a tally.
6. Grounds or rationale; SYN. account.
7. An amount due (as at a restaurant or bar).
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ETYM Old Eng. slice, sclice, Old Fren. esclice, from esclicier, esclichier, to break to pieces, of German origin; cf. Old High Germ. slîzan to split, slit, tear, German schleissen to slit. Related to Slit.
1. A thin flat piece cut off of some object.
2. A share of something; SYN. piece.
3. A golf shot that curves to the right for a right-handed golfer; SYN. fade.
4. A spatula for spreading paint or ink.
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A small piece of anything (especially a piece that has been snipped off); SYN. snippet, snipping.

clip · clipping · snippet · snipping

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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