1. To cause to arise; SYN. bring on.
2. To cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner:; SYN. stimulate, cause, have, get, make.
3. Said of bodily processes such as fever, illness: to stimulate.
4. To reason or establish by induction.
1. To change position, as of a body part (nontranslational motion):
2. To go or proceed from one point to another
3. To cause to move; SYN. displace.
4. To progress by being changed: SYN. go, run.
5. To arouse sympathy or compassion in
6. To change residence, affiliation, or place of employment
7. To propose formally; in a debate or parliamentary meeting; SYN. make a motion.
8. To have a turn; make one's move in a game; SYN. go.
9. To exist or thrive in a specified environment
10. To dispose of by selling
CAD- / Grafik-Funktion, um geometrische Elemente zu bewegen. Die Verschiebung kann in X- und Y-Richtung sowie von 3D-Systemen auch in Z-Richtung durchgeführt werden. Neben dem Neu-Positionieren im Koordinatensystem, gibt es ein "organisatorisches Bewegen" von Elementen z.B. in ein anderes Layer / in eine andere Folie.