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ETYM Cf. Old Fren. alotement, French allotement.
1. A share set aside for a specific purpose; SYN. allocation.
2. The act of distributing by allotting or apportioning; SYN. apportionment, apportioning, allocation, parceling, parcelling.

allocation · apportioning · apportionment · assignatio · parceling · parcelling + prikaži više



1. A feeling of sympathy for someone or something.
2. An anxious feeling; SYN. care, fear.
3. Something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness; SYN. worry, headache, vexation.
4. Something that interests one because it is important or affects one.

business · business concern · business organisation · business organization · care · fear · headache · vexation · worry + prikaži više



1. A gathering of persons representative of some larger group.
2. A temporary military unit; SYN. detail.
3. Possible; able to take place; accidental; conditional




1. A payment that is due (e.g., as the price of membership).
2. That which is deserved or owed.




ETYM Old Fren. interest, French intéręt, from Latin interest it interests, is of interest, from interesse to be between, to be difference, to be importance; inter between + esse to be; cf. Late Lat. interesse usury. Related to Essence.
1. A sense of
concern with and curiosity about someone or something; SYN. involvement.
2. The power of attracting or holding one's interest (because it is unusual or exciting etc.); SYN. interestingness.
3. A right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something; SYN. stake.
4. A fixed charge for borrowing money; usually a percentage of the amount borrowed.
5. (Usually plural) A social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims; SYN. interest group.
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interest group · interestingness · involvement · pastime · pursuit · sake · stake + prikaži više





ETYM as. hlot; akin to hleótan to cast lots, os. hlôt lot, Dutch lot, German loos, Old High Germ. lôz, Icel. hlutr, Swed. lott, Dan. lod, Goth. hlauts. Related to Allot, Lotto, Lottery.
A parcel of land having fixed boundaries.

Lot · band · batch · bunch · caboodle · circle · circumstances · deal · destiny · draw · fate · flock · fortune · good deal · great deal · hatful · heap · luck · mass · mess · mickle · mint · muckle · peck · pile · plenty · portion · pot · quite a little · raft · set · sight · slew · spate · stack · tidy sum · wad · whole lot · whole sle + prikaži više



ETYM French part, Latin pars, gen. partis; cf. parere to bring forth, produce. Related to Parent, Depart, Parcel, Partner, Party, Portion.
1. A portion of a natural object; SYN. piece.
2. Something less than the whole of a human artifact; SYN. portion.
3. Something determined in relation to something that includes it; SYN. portion, component part, compon
4. One of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; SYN. section, division.
5. The melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music; SYN. voice.
6. So far as concerns the actor specified; or.
7. A line where the hair is parted.
Written music designated for an individual musician or group of musicians, for example the “soprano part”, in contrast to a score, which provides all the parts on each page. A part, or voice, can also be an independent line of a contrapuntal work, for example a fugue in four parts.
A large-scale section of a composition is also called a part, for example Part I of Elgar’s Dream of Gerontius 1900.
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character · component · component part · contribution · division · function · office · parting · percentage · persona · piece · portion · region · role · section · share · theatrical role · voice + prikaži više



ETYM French, from Latin proportio; pro before + portio part or share. Related to Portion.
1. Harmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole (as in a design); SYN. balance.
2. Magnitude or extent; SYN. dimension.
3. The quotient obtained when the magnitude of a part is divided by the m
agnitude of the whole; SYN. proportionality.
The relation of a part to the whole (usually expressed as a fraction or percentage). In mathematics two variable quantities x and y are proportional if, for all values of x, y = kx, where k is a constant. This means that if x increases, y increases in a linear fashion.
A graph of x against y would be a straight line passing through the origin (the point x = 0, y = 0). y is inversely proportional to x if the graph of y against 1/x is a straight line through the origin. The corresponding equation is y = k/x. Many laws of science relate quantities that are proportional (for example, Boyle’s law).
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ETYM Late Lat., from Latin quota (sc. pars), from quotus which or what in number, of what number, how many, from quot how many, akin to quis, qui, who: cf. Italian quota a share. Related to Who.
1. A limitation.
2. A prescribed number.
3. A proportional share assigned to each participant.
Due share; amount allowed to be imported from a certain country.
In internation
al trade, a limitation on the amount of a commodity that may be exported, imported, or produced. Restrictions may be imposed forcibly or voluntarily.
The justification of quotas include protection of a home industry from an influx of cheap goods, prevention of a heavy outflow of goods (usually raw materials) because there are insufficient numbers to meet domestic demand, allowance for a new industry to develop before it is exposed to competition, or prevention of a decline in the world price of a particular commodity.
The European Union's Common Agricultural Policy has introduced quotas to limit the production of milk because rising herd yields and a trend toward a healthier low-fat diet have led to overproduction. Dairy farmers will not be paid for any milk produced above a set limit.
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ETYM Old Fren., from Latin rata (sc. pars), from ratus reckoned, fixed by calculation, p. p. of reri to reckon, to calculate. Related to Reason.
1. Amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis; SYN. charge per unit.
2. A magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit.
3. (British) A local tax on property (usually used in the plural).
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charge per unit · pace



Any of the equal portions into which the capital stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of which is evidenced by a stock certificate
The part allotted or belonging to one of a number owning together property or interest

contribution · parcel · part · percentage · ploughshare · plowshare · portion + prikaži više



ETYM AS. staca, from the root of Eng. stick; akin to OFries. and LG. stake, Dutch staak, Swed. stake, Dan. stage. Related to Stick, Estacade, Stockade.
(Homonym: steak).
1. A vertical post that a victim is tied to for execution by burning.
2. The money risked on a gamble; SYN. stakes, bet, wager.

bet · interest · post · stakes · wager

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