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textiles, durchbrochenes Fadengebilde, hergestellt in Hand- oder Maschinenarbeit als Klöppel-, Web-, Nadel-, Häkel-, Strick-, Knüpf- oder Wirk-S.; Besatz für Geweberänder.

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ETYM Latin cuspis, -idis, point, pointed end.
1. A thin triangular flap of a heart valve; SYN. leaflet.
2. Point formed by two intersect
ing arcs (as from the intrados of a Gothic arch).
3. Small elevation on the grinding surface of a tooth.
4. Prominence; crown of tooth; sharp point; Astrology, cross-over point between two signs.
5. Point where two branches of a curve meet and the tangents to each branch coincide.
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1. The act of touching someone suddenly with one's finger or elbow; SYN. jab.
2. The site of an archeological exploration; SYN. excavation.

dig at




ETYM Old Eng. las, Old Fren. laz, French lacs, dim. lacet, from Latin laqueus noose, snare; prob. akin to lacere to entice. Related to Delight, Elicit, Lasso, Latchet.
1. A cord that is drawn through eyelets or around hooks in order to draw together two edges (as of a shoe or garment); SYN. lacing.
2. A delicate decorative fabric woven in an open we
b of symmetrical patterns.
Delicate, decorative, openwork textile fabric. Lace is a European craft with centers in Belgium, Italy, France, Germany, and England.
Needlepoint or point lace (a development of embroidery) originated in Italy in the late 15th or early 16th centuries. Lace was first made from linen thread and sometimes also with gold, silver, or silk; cotton, wool, and synthetic fibers have been used more recently.
Bobbin or pillow (“true”) lace is made by twisting threads together in pairs or groups, according to a pattern marked out by pins set in a cushion. It is said to have been invented by Barbara Uttmann (born 1514) of Saxony; elaborate patterns may require over a thousand bobbins.
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ETYM A variabt of neb.
1. A small and pointed thing or part; a point; a prong.
2. The points of a pen; also, the pointed part of a pen.

beak · bill · neb · pecke · pen nib



ETYM Old Eng. pek, as. peac, perh of Celtic origin; cf. Irish peac a sharp-pointed thing. Related to Pike.
1. A pointed or projecting part of a garment; especially; the visor of a cap or hat.
2. Promontory.
3. The top point of a mountain or hill; SYN. crown, crest, top, tip, summit.

acme · apex · bill · bloom · blossom · crest · crown · efflorescence · elevation · extremum · eyeshade · flower · flush · height · heyday · meridian · pinnacle · point · prime · summit · superlative · tip · tiptop · to · top · vertex · visor · vizor + prikaži više



1. A sharp point (as on the end of a spear).
2. Medieval weapon consisting of a spearhead attached to a long pole or pikestaff; superseded by the bayonet.

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ETYM Old Eng. pinacle, French pinacle, Latin pinnaculum, from pinna pinnacle, feather. Related to Pin a peg.
1. A lofty peak.
2. (Architecture) A slender upright spire at the top of a buttress of tower.

acme · elevation · height · meridian · peak · summit · superlative · tiptop · to + prikaži više



ETYM French point, and probably also pointe, Latin punctum, puncta, from pungere, punctum, to prick. Related to Pungent, Puncto, Puncture.
1. (British) A wall socket; SYN. power point.
2. A V shape; SYN. tip, peak.
3. A V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer; SYN. head.
4. A brief version of the essential meaning of something.
5. A distinguishing or individuating characte
6. A geometric element that has position but no extension.
7. A linear unit used to measure the size of type; approximately 1/72 inch.
8. A promontory extending out into a large body of water.
9. A style in speech or writing that arrests attention and has a penetrating or convincing quality or effect.
10. A very short period of time; SYN. point in time.
11. A very small circular shape; SYN. dot.
12. An outstanding characteristic; SYN. spot.
13. Sharp end.
14. The muzzle's direction; SYN. gunpoint.
15. The object of an activity.
16. The precise location of something; a spatially limited location.
17. The property of a shape that tapers to a sharp point; SYN. pointedness.
18. The unit of counting in scoring a game or contest.
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1. A long metal nail.
2. A sharp-pointed projection along the top of a fence or wall.
3. Any long sharp-pointed object used as a fastener or
4. Sharp point on the sole of shoe worn by athletes; spikes provide greater traction.
5. A long sharp-pointed implement (wood or metal).
6. A transient variation in voltage or current.
7. (Botany) An indeterminate inflorescence bearing sessile flowers on an unbranched axis.
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capitulum · ear



1. A slender tapering blade or stalk (as of grass)
2. The upper tapering part of something (as a tree or antler); pinnacle
A tapering roof or analogous pyramidal construction surmounting a tower; steeple
4. The elongated, tapering tower atop a church or cathedral.
5. The inner or upper part of a spiral gastropod shell consisting of all the whorls except the whorl in contact with the body
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1. An indication of potential opportunity; SYN. lead, steer, confidential information, wind, hint.
2. The extreme
end of something; especially something pointed.
3. A light touch or blow
4. The usually pointed end of something
5. A small piece or part serving as an end, cap, or point
6. The act or an instance of tipping; tilt
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backsheesh · baksheesh · bakshis · bakshish · confidential information · crest · crown · gratuity · hint · lead · peak · point · pourboire · steer · summit · top · wind + prikaži više



1. The highest or uppermost side of anything; SYN. top side, upper side, upside.
2. The upper part of anything
3. Something that covers a hole (especially a hole in the top of a container); SYN. cover.

4. The greatest possible intensity:
5. A garment (especially for women) that extends from the shoulders to the waist or hips
6. A conical child's toy tapering to a steel-shod point on which it can be made to spin; SYN. whirligig, teetotum, spinning top.
7. Platform surrounding the head of a lower mast.
8. The first half of an inning; while the visiting team is at bat; SYN. top of the inning.
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acme · big top · circus tent · cover · crest · crown · elevation · height · meridian · peak · pinnacle · round top · spinning top · summit · superlative · teetotum · tip · tipto · top of the inning · top side · upper side · upside · whirligig + prikaži više
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ženski rodGewebe
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ETYM Old Eng. las, Old Fren. laz, French lacs, dim. lacet, from Latin laqueus noose, snare; prob. akin to lacere to entice. Related to Delight, Elicit, Lasso, Latchet.
1. A cord that is drawn through eyelets or around hooks in order to draw together two edges (as of a shoe or garment); SYN. lacing.
2. A delicate decorative fabric woven in an open we
b of symmetrical patterns.
Delicate, decorative, openwork textile fabric. Lace is a European craft with centers in Belgium, Italy, France, Germany, and England.
Needlepoint or point lace (a development of embroidery) originated in Italy in the late 15th or early 16th centuries. Lace was first made from linen thread and sometimes also with gold, silver, or silk; cotton, wool, and synthetic fibers have been used more recently.
Bobbin or pillow (“true”) lace is made by twisting threads together in pairs or groups, according to a pattern marked out by pins set in a cushion. It is said to have been invented by Barbara Uttmann (born 1514) of Saxony; elaborate patterns may require over a thousand bobbins.
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ženski rodeines Berges
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ETYM Old Eng. pek, as. peac, perh of Celtic origin; cf. Irish peac a sharp-pointed thing. Related to Pike.
1. A pointed or projecting part of a garment; especially; the visor of a cap or hat.
2. Promontory.
3. The top point of a mountain or hill; SYN. crown, crest, top, tip, summit.

acme · apex · bill · bloom · blossom · crest · crown · efflorescence · elevation · extremum · eyeshade · flower · flush · height · heyday · meridian · pinnacle · point · prime · summit · superlative · tip · tiptop · to · top · vertex · visor · vizor + prikaži više
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ženski rodspitzes Ende
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1. An indication of potential opportunity; SYN. lead, steer, confidential information, wind, hint.
2. The extreme
end of something; especially something pointed.
3. A light touch or blow
4. The usually pointed end of something
5. A small piece or part serving as an end, cap, or point
6. The act or an instance of tipping; tilt
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ženski rodgramatika
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