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ETYM Old Eng. cercle, French cercle, from Latin circulus (Whence also AS. circul), dim. of circus circle, akin to Greek krikos, kirkos, circle, ring. Related to Circus, Circum-.
Perfectly round shape, the path of a point that moves so as to keep a constant distance from a fixed point (the center). Each circle has a radius (the distance from any point on the circle to the center), a circumference (the boundary of the circle), diameters (straight lines crossing the circle through the center), chords (lin
es joining two points on the circumference), tangents (lines that touch the circumference at one point only), sectors (regions inside the circle between two radii), and segments (regions between a chord and the circumference).
The ratio of the distance all around the circle (the circumference) to the diameter is an irrational number called p (pi), roughly equal to 3.1416. A circle of radius r and diameter d has a circumference C = pd, or C = 2pr, and an area A = pr2. The area of a circle can be shown by dividing it into very thin sectors and reassembling them to make an approximate rectangle. The proof of A = pr2 can be done only by using integral calculus.
1. A plane curve generated by one point moving at a constant distance from a fixed point.
2. Something approximating the shape of a circle.
3. Any circular or rotating mechanism; SYN. round.
4. A curved section or tier of seats in a hall or theater or opera house; usually the first tier above the orchestra; SYN. dress circle.
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ETYM French circuit, from Latin circuitus, from circuire or circumire to go around; circum around + ire to go.
1. A usually circular line encompassing an area.<
br /> 2. The space enclosed within such a line.
3. A course around a periphery.
4. A circuitous or indirect route.
5. A regular tour (as by a traveling judge or preacher) around an assigned district or territory.
6. the route traveled.
7. A group of church congregations ministered to by one pastor.
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ETYM French ycle, Late Lat. cyclus, from Greek kyklos ring or circle, cycle; akin to Skr. cakra wheel, circle. Related to Wheel.
1. A periodically repeated sequence of events.
2. A series of poems or songs on the same them
3. An interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs; SYN. rhythm, round.
4. A single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon.
In physics, a sequence of changes that moves a system away from, and then back to, its original state. An example is a vibration that moves a particle first in one direction and then in the opposite direction, with the particle returning to its original position at the end of the vibration.
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ETYM Late Lat. districtus district, from Latin districtus, p. p. of distringere: cf. French district. Related to Distrain.
A region marked off for administrative or other purposes; SYN. territory.

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ETYM as. hring, hrinc; akin to Fries. hring, Dutch and German ring, Old High Germ. ring, hring, Icel. hringr, DAn. and sw. ring; cf. Russ. krug. Related to Harangue, Rank a row,Rink.
(Homonym: wring).
1. A circular band of a precious metal worn on the finger; SYN. band.
2. One of a pair of heavy metal
circles (usually covered with leather) suspended by ropes; used for gymnastic exercises.
3. Anything having a circular shape; SYN. halo, annulus, anulus, doughnut, anchor ring.
4. The sound of a bell ringing; SYN. ringing, tintinnabulation.
5. A characteristic sound.
Circlet, usually of precious metal, sometimes set with gems, worn on a finger as a decoration or token. The origin of the wedding ring is uncertain, but betrothal rings were bestowed in Roman times. Rings were used for money in ancient Egypt and elsewhere. Their connection with the church still survives in instances such as the English coronation.
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1. Geometr. Ort aller Punkte in einer Ebene, die von einem festen Punkt M, dem Mittelpunkt des K., die gleiche Entfernung r (Halbmesser) haben. Für den Umfang (U) des K. gilt die Gleichung U = 2pr, für seine Fläche (F) die Gleichung F = pr², wobei p = 3,14159. (Ludolfsche Zahl).
2. Verwaltungseinheit in Deutschland. Der K. erfüllt als Gebietskörperschaft Selbstverwaltungsaufgaben und Auftragsangelegenheiten und unterstützt die kreisangehörigen Gemeinden. Oberstes Organ ist der K.tag, bestehend aus dem Landrat (Vorsitzender) und den gewählten K.verordneten.
3. (Reichskreis) Bez. für die unter Kaiser Maximilian seit 1500 geschaffenen 10 Reichsbezirke, denen Wahrung des Landfriedens, Auführung der Urteile des Reichskammergerichts, Aufbringung der Steuern u.a. oblag.

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1. Of or relating to an orbit
2. Of or relating to the eye socket

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(Geometrie) Ebene, geschlossene Kurve, deren Punkte vom Mittelpunkt die gleiche Entfernung r (Radius) haben. Die Randlinie heißt K.linie (K.umfang, Peripherie). Jede durch den Mittelpunkt gehende Strecke zw. 2 K.punkten heißt Durchmesser (d). Flächeninhalt u. Umfang eines Kreises: F = pr2, U = 2 pr.

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ETYM Old Eng. cercle, French cercle, from Latin circulus (Whence also AS. circul), dim. of circus circle, akin to Greek krikos, kirkos, circle, ring. Related to Circus, Circum-.
Perfectly round shape, the path of a point that moves so as to keep a constant distance from a fixed point (the center). Each circle has a radius (the distance from any point on the circle to the center), a circumference (the boundary of the circle), diameters (straight lines crossing the circle through the center), chords (lin
es joining two points on the circumference), tangents (lines that touch the circumference at one point only), sectors (regions inside the circle between two radii), and segments (regions between a chord and the circumference).
The ratio of the distance all around the circle (the circumference) to the diameter is an irrational number called p (pi), roughly equal to 3.1416. A circle of radius r and diameter d has a circumference C = pd, or C = 2pr, and an area A = pr2. The area of a circle can be shown by dividing it into very thin sectors and reassembling them to make an approximate rectangle. The proof of A = pr2 can be done only by using integral calculus.
1. A plane curve generated by one point moving at a constant distance from a fixed point.
2. Something approximating the shape of a circle.
3. Any circular or rotating mechanism; SYN. round.
4. A curved section or tier of seats in a hall or theater or opera house; usually the first tier above the orchestra; SYN. dress circle.
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(Verwaltungsrecht) Landkreis, dt. Verwaltungseinheit mit Selbstverw., die überörtl. Aufgaben für das K.gebiet wahrnimmt.

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