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muški rodgramatika

(Verkehr) Festgelegte Strecke; Fahrtrichtung.
(Wirtschaft) An der Börse festgestellter Preis für Wertpapiere, Devisen u. börsengängige Massengüter.
(allgemein) Lehrgang.

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In sociology, the main grouping of social stratification in industrial societies, based primarily on economic and occupational factors, but also referring to people's style of living or sense of group identity. Within the social sciences, class has been used both as a descriptive category and as the basis of theories about industrial society. Theories of class may see such social divisions either as a source of social stability (Emile Durkheim) or social conflict (Karl Marx). In the US, little acknowledgment is given to the notion of class. If asked, most Americans identify themselves as middle class, although social scientists use measurements of education level, income, and occupation to ascribe social strata. + prikaži više



ETYM French cours, course, Latin cursus, from currere to run. Related to Current.
(Homonym: coarse).
1. A mode of action.
2. General line
of orientation; SYN. trend.
3. Part of a meal served at one time.
4. Education imparted in a series of lessons or class meetings; SYN. course of study, course of instruction, class.
5. A layer of masonry; SYN. row.
6. A connected series of events or actions or developments; or; SYN. line.
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exchange rate


The price at which one currency is bought or sold in terms of other currencies, gold, or accounting units such as the special drawing right (SDR) of the International Monetary Fund. Exchange rates may be fixed by international agreement or by government policy; or they may be wholly or partly allowed to “float” (that is, find their own level) in world currency markets.
Central banks, as large holders of foreign currency, often intervene to buy or sell particular currencies in an effort to maintain some stability in exchange rates.
Under the Reagan administration, the US dollar was allowed, even encouraged, to drop in relation to other currencies, especially the Japanese yen.
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1. A length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point.
2. A mark that is long relative to its width
3. A linear string of words expressing some idea
4. A formation of people or things one after another
5. A formation of people or things beside one another
6. Something lo
ng and thin and flexible.
7. A conceptual separation or demarcation:; SYN. dividing line, demarcation, contrast.
8. A fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops)
9. A particular kind of product; SYN. product line, line of products, line of merchandise, business line, line of business.
10. A commercial organization serving as a common carrier.
11. Railroad track and roadbed; SYN. railway line, rail line.
12. In games or sports; a mark indicating positions or bounds of the playing area.
13. Acting in conformity; or or
14. A single frequency (or very narrow band) of radiation in a spectrum.
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agate line · air · ancestry · argumentation · assembly line · bank line · billet · blood · blood line · bloodline · business · business line · cable · channel · communication channel · contrast · course · crease · credit line · crinkle · demarcation · descent · dividing line · furrow · job · line of business · line of credit · line of descent · line of merchandise · line of products · line of reasoning · line of work · lineage · logical argument · melodic line · melodic phras · melody · note · occupation · origin · parentage · pedigree · personal credit line · personal line of credit · phone line · pipeline · product line · production line · rail line · railway line · seam · short letter · stemma · stoc · strain · subscriber line · telephone circuit · telephone line · transmission line · tune · wrinkle + prikaži više



1. The amount of money needed to purchase something; SYN. terms, damage.
2. Value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something; SYN. cost, toll.
3. The high
value or worth of something
4. A reward for helping to catch a criminal
5. Cost of bribing someone:
6. Value put on a commodity at the point of exchange. In a free market it is determined by the market forces of demand and supply. In an imperfect market, firms face a trade-off between charging a higher price and losing sales, or charging a lower price and gaining sales.
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Leontyne Price · Mary Leontyne Pric · Price · cost · damage · monetary value · terms · toll + prikaži više



ETYM From Quote.
A passage or expression that is quoted; SYN. quote.

acknowledgment · citation · cite · credit · mentio · quote · reference + prikaži više



ETYM Old Fren., from Latin rata (sc. pars), from ratus reckoned, fixed by calculation, p. p. of reri to reckon, to calculate. Related to Reason.
1. Amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis; SYN. charge per unit.
2. A magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit.
3. (British) A local tax on property (usually used in the plural).
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charge per unit · pace

rate of exchange


The charge for exchanging currency of one country for currency of another; SYN. exchange rate.
The amount of one currency that will buy a given amount of another.

exchange rate
Kurs | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodfinansije
Bildungsmaßnahme · Kursus · Lehrgang · Schulung · Seminar · Training · Weiterbildung · Workshop · Devisenkurs · Wechselkurs · Ausrichtung · Führungshilfe · Guideline · Handlungshilfe · Leitfaden · Leitlinie · Linie · Marschrichtung · Maßgabe · Orientierung · Programm · Programmatik · Richtlinie · Richtmarke · Richtschnur · Vorgabe · Zielsetzung · Zielstellung · Zielvorgabe · Zielvorstellung · Börsenkurs · Kursnotierung · Quotation · Marschroute · Reiseplan · Reiseroute · Reiseweg · Richtung · Route · Strecke · Weg · Wegstrecke · Rennbahn · Rundkurs · Klasse · Schulklasse · Konzept · roter Faden · Aktienkurs · Aktienpreis · Preis einer Aktie · Parcours + prikaži više
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srpski · francuski



1. The amount of money needed to purchase something; SYN. terms, damage.
2. Value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something; SYN. cost, toll.
3. The high
value or worth of something
4. A reward for helping to catch a criminal
5. Cost of bribing someone:
6. Value put on a commodity at the point of exchange. In a free market it is determined by the market forces of demand and supply. In an imperfect market, firms face a trade-off between charging a higher price and losing sales, or charging a lower price and gaining sales.
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Leontyne Price · Mary Leontyne Pric · Price · cost · damage · monetary value · terms · toll + prikaži više



ETYM From Quote.
A passage or expression that is quoted; SYN. quote.

acknowledgment · citation · cite · credit · mentio · quote · reference + prikaži više



ETYM Old Fren., from Latin rata (sc. pars), from ratus reckoned, fixed by calculation, p. p. of reri to reckon, to calculate. Related to Reason.
1. Amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis; SYN. charge per unit.
2. A magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit.
3. (British) A local tax on property (usually used in the plural).
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charge per unit · pace
Kurs | nemačko - engleski rečnik


muški rodauto-moto

ETYM. latin.
1. Fahrt- oder Flugrichtung (mit Zeiten und Anschlüssen im K.buch angegeben); im übertragenen Sinne Bez. für die Zielrichtung einer Politik u.a.
2. Lehrgang.
3. Rennstrecke.
4. Preis von Wertpapieren, Devisen od
er Waren, der an der Börse ermittelt wird. Entspricht der K. dem Nennwert, so steht das papier pari, liegt er höher oder niedriger spricht man von über oder unter pari. Ein einmal ermittelter K. heißt Einheits-K., wird er laufend ermittelt, spricht man von fortlaufender Notierung. Der K. von festverzinsl. Wertpapieren wird in Prozent des Nennwerts, der von Aktien als Preis pro Stück angegeben, der von Waren als Preis für eine bestimmte Menge, der von Devisen bezogen auf die gängige Währungseinheit.

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Bildungsmaßnahme · Kursus · Lehrgang · Schulung · Seminar · Training · Weiterbildung · Workshop · Devisenkurs · Wechselkurs · Ausrichtung · Führungshilfe · Guideline · Handlungshilfe · Leitfaden · Leitlinie · Linie · Marschrichtung · Maßgabe · Orientierung · Programm · Programmatik · Richtlinie · Richtmarke · Richtschnur · Vorgabe · Zielsetzung · Zielstellung · Zielvorgabe · Zielvorstellung · Börsenkurs · Kursnotierung · Quotation · Marschroute · Reiseplan · Reiseroute · Reiseweg · Richtung · Route · Strecke · Weg · Wegstrecke · Rennbahn · Rundkurs · Klasse · Schulklasse · Konzept · roter Faden · Aktienkurs · Aktienpreis · Preis einer Aktie · Parcours + prikaži više
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srpski · francuski



ETYM French cours, course, Latin cursus, from currere to run. Related to Current.
(Homonym: coarse).
1. A mode of action.
2. General line
of orientation; SYN. trend.
3. Part of a meal served at one time.
4. Education imparted in a series of lessons or class meetings; SYN. course of study, course of instruction, class.
5. A layer of masonry; SYN. row.
6. A connected series of events or actions or developments; or; SYN. line.
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1. A length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point.
2. A mark that is long relative to its width
3. A linear string of words expressing some idea
4. A formation of people or things one after another
5. A formation of people or things beside one another
6. Something lo
ng and thin and flexible.
7. A conceptual separation or demarcation:; SYN. dividing line, demarcation, contrast.
8. A fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops)
9. A particular kind of product; SYN. product line, line of products, line of merchandise, business line, line of business.
10. A commercial organization serving as a common carrier.
11. Railroad track and roadbed; SYN. railway line, rail line.
12. In games or sports; a mark indicating positions or bounds of the playing area.
13. Acting in conformity; or or
14. A single frequency (or very narrow band) of radiation in a spectrum.
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agate line · air · ancestry · argumentation · assembly line · bank line · billet · blood · blood line · bloodline · business · business line · cable · channel · communication channel · contrast · course · crease · credit line · crinkle · demarcation · descent · dividing line · furrow · job · line of business · line of credit · line of descent · line of merchandise · line of products · line of reasoning · line of work · lineage · logical argument · melodic line · melodic phras · melody · note · occupation · origin · parentage · pedigree · personal credit line · personal line of credit · phone line · pipeline · product line · production line · rail line · railway line · seam · short letter · stemma · stoc · strain · subscriber line · telephone circuit · telephone line · transmission line · tune · wrinkle + prikaži više

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