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Seit vorgeschichtlichen Zeiten in den verschiedensten Kulturkreisen als Zier- und Symbolform gebräuchlich. Aus frühchristl. Zeit sind in den Putz geritzte K. erhalten; seit Konstantin (4. Jh.) in den Basiliken monumental als Siegeszeichen über den Tod dargestellt (S. Pudenziana, Rom). Der Brauch, das Prozessionskreuz beim Gottesdienst hinter dem Altar aufzustellen, ist Ursprung des Altarkreuzes. Alle Weihen und Segnungen werden im Zeichen des K. vollzogen. Die Volksfrömmigkeit führt zur Errichtung von Feld-, Weg-, Flur- und Brückenkreuzen.

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ETYM Old Eng. crois, croys, cros; the former from Old Fren. crois, croiz, French croix, from Latin crux; the second is perh. directly from Prov. cros, crotz. from the same Latin crux; cf. Icel. kross. Related to Crucial, Crusade, Cruise, Crux.
(Irregular plural: crosses).
1. A cross as an emblem of Christianity; used in heraldry.
2. A wooden structure consisting of an uprigh
t post with a transverse piece.
3. Any affliction that causes great suffering; SYN. crown of thorns.
Symbol of the Christian religion, in widespread use since the 3rd century. It is a symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus and the central significance of his suffering, death, and resurrection. The Latin cross is the most commonly used; other types are the Greek cross, St Anthony's cross, and St Andrew's cross. Symbolic crosses were used by pre-Christian cultures, for example the ancient Egyptian ankh (St Anthony's cross with a loop at the top), symbol of life, and the swastika, used by Hindus, Buddhists, Celts, and Native Americans before it was adopted by the Nazis.
Extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; SYN. crossing, transverse, transversal, thwartwise.
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ETYM French crucifix or LL. crucifixum, from Latin crux, crucis, cross + figere, fixum, to fix. Related to Cross, and Fix, Crucify.
Image of cross on which Jesus died; SYN. rood, rood-tree.

rood · rood-tree
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