objectif prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

objectif | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. But.
2. Cible.
3. Élément d'un système optique.

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ETYM Cf. Old Fren. esme estimation, from esmer. Related to Aim.
1. The action of directing something at an object.
2. The
goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable); SYN. object, objective, target.
3. An anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions
4. The direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
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bearing · design · heading · intent · intention · object · objective · purpose · target + prikaži više



ETYM Cf. dessein, dessin.
1. A decorative or artistic work; SYN. pattern, figure.
2. A preliminary sketch indicating the plan for something.
3. An arrangement scheme; SYN. plan.
4. The act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan); SYN. designing.

aim · blueprint · conception · designing · excogitation · figure · innovation · intent · intention · invention · pattern · plan · purpose + prikaži više



ETYM French gaule pole, Prov. French waule, of German origin; cf. Fries. walu staff, stick, rod, Goth. walus, Icel. völr a round stick; prob. akin to Eng. wale.
The state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it; SYN. end.


imenicagpl lensesphoto

ETYM Latin lens a lentil. So named from the resemblance in shape of a double convex lens to the seed of a lentil. Related to Lentil.
(Irregular plural: lenses).
1. A transparent optical device used to converge or diverge transmitted light and to form images; SYN. lens system.
2. Biconvex transparent body situated behind the iris in the eye; it focuses light waves on the retina; SYN. crystalline lens.
3. Equipment that uses a magnetic or electric field in order to focus a beam of electrons; SYN. electron lens.
A transparent object with two refracting surfaces. Usually the surfaces are flat or spherical (sphe
rical lenses). Sometimes, to improve image quality. Lenses are deliberately made with surfaces which depart slightly from spherical (aspheric lenses).
In optics, a piece of a transparent material, such as glass, with two polished surfaces—one concave or convex, and the other plane, concave, or convex—that modifies rays of light. A convex lens brings rays of light together; a concave lens makes the rays diverge. Lenses are essential to glasses, microscopes, telescopes, cameras, and almost all optical instruments.
The image formed by a single lens suffers from several defects or aberrations, notably spherical aberration in which a straight line becomes a curved image, and chromatic aberration in which an image in white light tends to have colored edges. Aberrations are corrected by the use of compound lenses, which are built up from two or more lenses of different refractive index.
Coal-mining town in Pas-de-Calais département, France; conurbation 327,000. During World War I it was in German occupation and close to the front line Oct 1914–Oct 1918, when the town and its mines were so severely damaged that mining operations could not re-start until 1921. In World War II it was occupied by Germany, May 1940–Sept 1944, but suffered less physical damage.
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ETYM Latin objectus. Related to Object.
In grammar, the recipient of the action of the verb in a sentence. The object can be a noun, a pronoun, a
noun phrase, or a noun clause. Transitive verbs take a direct object and with some verbs there may also be an indirect object.
1. A grammatical constituent that is acted upon.
2. A physical (tangible and visible) entity; SYN. physical object.
3. The focus of cognitions or feelings.
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aim · objective · physical object · targe



Aim set by a business organization against which it can judge its success. For example, a firm may set as its objective a doubling in output over five years, or a 20% increase in profit over twelve months.
The lens or system of lenses nearest the object being viewed; SYN. object glass.

aim · object · object glass · object lens · objective lens · target + prikaži više



ETYM Old Fren. purpos, pourpos, propos, Latin propositum. Related to Propound.
An anticipated outcome that is intended or guides one's planned actions; SYN. intent, intention, aim, design.

aim · desig · determination · function · intent · intention · role · use + prikaži više
objectif | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Réel.
2. Incontestable. Un fait objectif.
3. Impartial.
4. Équitable. Un jugement objectif.

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Unaffected by self-interest.
Impartial; objective. (as distinct from uninterested)

fair · impartial



ETYM Cf.French objectif.
1. Undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena; SYN. nonsubjective.
2. Emphasizing or e
xpressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings or interpretation.
3. Belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events.
4. (Grammar) Serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes; SYN. accusative.
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accusative · clinical · concrete · documentary · impersonal · neutral · nonsubjective · oblique · oblique case · representational · verifiable + prikaži više



ETYM Pref. un- + biased.
Without bias; SYN. unbiassed.

fair · impartial · indifferent · nonpartisan · nonpartizan · unbiassed + prikaži više

Reč dana 05.10.2024.

imenica, geografija
pridev, arhaično, zastarelo
imenica, geografija
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