marquer prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

marquer | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Graver. Marquer au fer rouge.
2. Noter.
3. Souligner. Marquer une date.
4. Signaler.
5. Exprimer. Marquer un doute.
6. (Intrans.) Faire date. Un événement qui marque.
7. (Intrans.) Paraître. Il marque mal.

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(Homonym: marc).
1. To designate as if by a mark.
2. To make or leave a mark on.

brand · check · check off · commemorate · cross off · cross out · denounce · differentiate · distinguish · grade · label · mark down · mark off · mark out · mark up · nock · note · notice · pit · pock · punctuate · scar · score · set · stigmatise · stigmatize · strike off · strike out · tag · tick · tick off + prikaži više



ETYM as. hnîtan to strike against, imp. hnât.
1. To make a written note of; SYN. take down.
2. To make mention of; SYN. observe, mention, remark.
3. To observe with care or pay close attention to; SYN. take note, observe.
In music, the written symbol indicating pitch and duration, the sound of which is a tone.

mark · mention · notice · observe · remark · take down · take note + prikaži više



1. To gain points; SYN. hit, tally, rack up.
2. To get a certain score
3. To make small marks into the surface of; SYN. nock, mark.
4. To make underscoring marks; SYN. mark.
5. To write a musical score for.

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