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srpski · nemački



1. To be conducive to; SYN. lead, conduce.
2. To contribute to some cause; SYN. give, chip in, kick in.

add · bestow · bring · chip in · conduce · give · impart · kick in · lead · lend · put up + prikaži više



1. To make a present of
2. To grant or bestow by formal action
3. To accord or yield to another
4. To put into the possession of another for his or her use
5. To administer as a sacrament
6. To commit to another as a trust or responsibility and usually for an expre
ssed reason; to transfer from one's authority or custody
7. To offer to the action of another; proffer
8. To yield (oneself) to a man in sexual intercourse
9. To present in public performance
10. To present to view or observation
11. To provide by way of entertainment
12. To propose as a toast
13. To designate as a share or portion; allot
14. To yield as a product, consequence, or effect; produce
15. To deliver by some bodily action
16. To offer for consideration, acceptance, or use
17. To suffer the loss of; sacrifice
+ prikaži više

afford · apply · break · cave in · chip in · collapse · commit · consecrate · contribute · dedicate · devote · ease up · establish · fall in · feed · founde · generate · gift · give back · give in · give way · grant · hand · hand down · hand out · hand over · have · hold · impart · kick in · leave · make · move over · open · pass · pass on · pay · present · reach · render · return · sacrifice · throw · turn over · yield + prikaži više

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
glagol, elektrotehnika
ženski rod, železnica
glagol, gramatika