cadre prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

cadre | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Bordure.
1. Personnel d'encadrement.
2. Chef.
2. Décor. Cadre de miroir.
3. Limite.
4. Contrainte. Dans le cadre de la loi.
5. Armature. Cadre de vélo.
6. Milieu. Sorti de son cadre.

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srpski · nemački



ETYM French cadre, Italian quadro square, from Latin quadrum, from quatuor four.
(French) permanent trained unit within an organisation forming nucleus for expansion.
A nucleu
s of military personnel capable of expansion.
1. Frame, framework.
2. A nucleus or core group especially of trained personnel able to assume control and to train others; broadly; a group of people having some unifying relationship.
3. A cell of indoctrinated leaders active in promoting the interests of a revolutionary party.
4. A member of a cadre.
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The setting; the decorative arrangements within a home or other building.


imenicasleng, dijalekt

1. Executife officer
2. Executive

EXEC · White House



1. A person responsible for the administration of a business; SYN. executive director.
2. Persons who administer the law.

frame frame


1. Something composed of parts fitted together and united
2. The physical makeup of an animal and especially a human body; physique, figure
3. The underlying constructional system or structure that gives shape or strength (as to a building)
4. A
frame dwelling
5. A machine built upon or within a framework
6. An open case or structure made for admitting, enclosing, or supporting something
7. A part of a pair of glasses that holds one of the lenses
9. A structural unit in an automobile chassis supported on the axles and supporting the rest of the chassis and the body
10. An enclosing border; the matter or area enclosed in such a border
11. One of a series of still transparent photographs on a strip of film used in making movies.
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1. A structure supporting or containing something; SYN. frame, framing.
2. The underlying structure; SYN. fabric. frame-work.

fabric · frame · framing · model · theoretical account



ETYM Orig., a little piece; Old Fren. panel, pannel, French panneau, dim. of pan skirt, lappet, part or piece of a wall, side. Related to Pane.
1. (Law) A group of people summoned for jury service.
2. A distinct (usually flat) section or component of something.
3. A group of people gathered for a special purpose as to plan or discuss an issue or judge a contest etc.
4. A pad placed under a saddle.
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board · control board · control panel · dialog box · instrument panel · jury · venire + prikaži više

white-collar worker

cadre | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rodračunari
Prevedi cadre na:

srpski · nemački



1. In asynchronous serial communications, a unit of transmission that is sometimes measured in elapsed time and begins with the start bit that precedes a character and ends with the last stop bit that follows the character.
2. In synchronous communications, a package of information transmitted as a single unit. Every frame follows the same basic organization and contains control information, such as synchronizing characters, station address, and an error-checking value, as well as a variable amount of data. For example, a frame used in the widely accepted HDLC and related SDLC protocols begins and ends
with a unique flag (01111110). See the illustration. See also HDLC, SDLC.
3. A single screen-sized image that can be displayed in sequence with other, slightly different, images to create animated drawings.
4. The storage required to hold one screen-sized image of text, graphics, or both.
5. A rectangular space containing, and defining the proportions of, a graphic.
6. The part of an on-screen window (title bar and other elements) that is controlled by the operating system rather than by the application running in the window.
7. A rectangular section of the page displayed by a Web browser that is a separate HTML document from the rest of the page. Web pages can have multiple frames, each of which is a separate document. Associated with each frame are the same capabilities as for an unframed Web page, including scrolling and linking to another frame or Web site; these capabilities can be used independently of other frames on the page. Frames, which were introduced in Netscape Navigator 2.0, are often used as a table of contents for one or more HTML documents on a Web site. Most current Web browsers support frames, although older ones do not. See also HTML document, Web browser.
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anatomy · bod · build · chassis · figure · fles · form · framework · framing · human body · inning · material body · physical body · physique · shape · skeletal frame · skeletal system · skeleton · soma · systema skeletale · underframe + prikaži više

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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