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(Homonym: gored).
1. Any of numerous hard-rinded inedible fruits.
2. Any vine of the family Cucurbitaceae that bears hard-rinded fruits;
SYN. gourd vine.
3. Made from the dried shell of a bottle gourd; SYN. calabash.
Names applied to various members of the family Cucurbitaceae, including melons, squashes, and pumpkins. In a narrower sense, the name is applied to an inedible, ornamental variety of pumpkin Cucurbita pepa.
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calabash · gourd vine



ETYM Old Eng. hed, heved, heaved, as. heáfod.
1. The top of the body; the portion of the body containing the brain and showing the face.
2. The top of something.
3. An individual person.
4. The length or height based on the size of a human or animal head.
5. A rounded compact mass.
6. The striking part of a tool.
A part that projects out from the rest;.
8. The front of a military formation or procession.
9. A person who is in charge; SYN. chief, top dog.
10. (Linguistics) The word in a constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole; SYN. head word.
11. A single domestic animal.
12. (Usually plural) An obverse side of a coin that bears the representation of a person's head.
13. The tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates).
14. The pressure exerted by a fluid.
15. A toilet on board a boat of ship.
16. (Informal) A user of (usually soft) drugs.
17. The foam or froth that accumulates at the top when one pours an effervescent liquid into a container.
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brain · capitulum · caput · chief · drumhead · forefront · foreland · fountainhead · head teacher · head word · header · heading · headland · headspring · headway · mind · nou · oral sex · pass · point · principal · promontory · psyche · question · read/write head · school principal · straits · top dog + prikaži više



ETYM Irish noigin, or Gael. noigean. Related to lst Nog.
1. A small mug or cup.
2. A measure equivalent to a gill.
3. (Slang) A person's head.
4. Small cup or quantity; gill.

attic · bean · bonce · dome · noodle



1. The top of the head; SYN. poll, crown.
2. The crown of the head
3. Chiefly disparaging; brain

crown · poll
boule | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Sphère.
2. Bonbon. Boule de gomme.
3. Miche. Boule de pain.
4. (Familier) Tête. Perdre la boule.

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nemački · srpski



(Homonym: bawl).
1. A spherical object used as a plaything.
2. Any object with a spherical shape; SYN. globe, orb.
3. A more or le
ss rounded body or mass; ball of the human foot or ball at the base of the thumb.
4. A compact mass; SYN. clod, glob, lump, clump, chunk.
5. A lavish formal dance.
6. (Baseball) A pitch that is not in the strike zone.
7. Round object that is hit or thrown or kicked in games.
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nemački · srpski



1. Roulettelike game.
2. Advisory council or senate of ancient Greece.
3. A synthetically formed mass (as of sapphire) with the atomic structure of a single crystal

boulle · buhl

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