header značenje | engleski leksikon

header značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / hedər /

Množina: headers


1. A brick or stone laid in a wall with its end toward the face of the wall
2. A beam fitted at one side of an opening to support free ends of floor joists, studs, or rafters
3. A horizontal structural or finish piece over an opening; lintel

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nemački · francuski

header značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / hedər /

Množina: headers


A shot or pass in soccer made by heading the ball.

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nemački · francuski · srpski

header značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / hedər /

Množina: headers


The portion of a packet, preceding the actual data, containing source and destination addresses and error-checking fields.
1. In word processing or printing, text that is to appear at the top of pages. A header might be specified for the first page, all pages after th
e first, even pages, or odd pages. It usually includes the page number and may also show the date, the title, or other information about a document. Also called: heading, running head. Compare footer.
2. An information structure that precedes and identifies the information that follows, such as a block of bytes in communications, a file on a disk, a set of records in a database, or an executable program.
3. One or more lines in a program that identify and describe for human readers the program, function, or procedure that follows.

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nemački · francuski · srpski

Reč dana 10.09.2024.

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