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ženski rod

1. Ballon. Balle de basket.
2. Projectile. Balle de fusil.
3. Paquet. Balle de foin.
4. (Argot) Franc. Billet de cent balles.

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(Homonym: bawl).
1. A spherical object used as a plaything.
2. Any object with a spherical shape; SYN. globe, orb.
3. A more or le
ss rounded body or mass; ball of the human foot or ball at the base of the thumb.
4. A compact mass; SYN. clod, glob, lump, clump, chunk.
5. A lavish formal dance.
6. (Baseball) A pitch that is not in the strike zone.
7. Round object that is hit or thrown or kicked in games.
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ETYM French boulet, dim. of boule ball. Related to Bull an edict, and cf. Boulet.
A projectile that is fired from a gun; SYN. slug.

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1. A blow hard enough to cause injury
2. A solid missile discharged from a firearm; SYN. pellet.
3. An explosive charge used in blasting.
4. An informal word for any atte
mpt or effort
5. An aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect; SYN. shaft, slam, dig, barb, jibe, gibe.
6. An attempt to score in a game.
7. A heavy metal ball used in the shot put
8. (Informal) A chance to do something; SYN. crack.
9. A person who shoots (as regards their ability); SYN. shooter.
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bail | baille | bailli | bal | balai | balayé | balayée | bale | bel | belle | bielle | bile | bili | bille | blé | bleu | bleue | bol | bolée | bouille | bouilli | bouillie | boulaie | boule | bouleau | bull | bulle

Reč dana 19.09.2024.

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muški rod, muzika
ženski rod, gramatika
ženski rod, telekomunikacije