balancer prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

balancer | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Osciller.
2. Équilibrer. Balancer ses comptes.
3. (Intrans.) Hésiter. Entre les deux, mon coeur balance.
4. (Familier) Jeter. Balancer un vieil objet.
Familier. Jeter. Balance-moi ça ŕ la poubelle.

abandonner · agiter · aller de droite et de gauche · balanstiquer · balayer · baller · ballotter · barguigner · bazarder · bercer · brandiller · brandir · branler · brimbaler · bringuebaler · chasser · comparer · compenser · congédier · considérer · consulter · contrebalancer · corriger · couvrir · dandiner · danser · dire · dodeliner · dodiner · donner · donner son compte · douter · débarquer · dénoncer · envoyer · examiner · expulser · ficher · ficher à la porte · flanquer · flotter · foutre à la porte · hésiter · jeter · lancer · larguer · lourder · mouvoir · neutraliser · onduler · opposer · osciller · peser · plaquer · reconduire · rejeter · remercier · remuer · renvoyer · rouler · sabrer · saquer · se dandiner · se débarrasser · se défaire · se tâter · secouer · solder · swinguer · tanguer · tergiverser · tituber · tortiller · tromper · vaciller · valser · vider · virer · ébranler · égaler · égaliser · équilibrer · être en suspens + prikaži više
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To take exception to; SYN. except.




ETYM Poetic and R.
1. To interrupt temporarily an activity before continuing; SYN. pause.
2. To pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness; SYN. waver, swiver.

pause · waffle · waver



1. To plunder after capture, as of a town; SYN. plunder.
2. To put in a sack

can · clear · dismiss · fire · force out · give notice · give the axe · give the sack · net · plunder · sack up · send away · terminat + prikaži više



(Irregular preterit, past participle: swung).
1. To change direction with a swinging motion; turn.
2. To make a big sweeping gesture or movement; SYN. sweep, swing out.r /> 3. To move or walk in a swinging or swaying manner; SYN. sway.
4. To move in a curve.
5. To change drastically.
6. To hit or aim at with a sweeping arm movement.
7. To influence decisively; SYN. swing over.
8. To live in a lively, modern, and relaxed style.
9. To be a social swinger; socialize actively; SYN. get around.
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dangle · dro · get around · sway · sweep · swing ou · swing over + prikaži više



(Irregular preterit, past participle: threw, thrown).
1. To project through the air.
2. To put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelessly; throw the car into reverse.
3. To make on a potter's wheel; of pottery.
4. To cause to fall; to cause to fall off; unseat; to get the better of; overcome.
5. To fling (oneself) precipitately; to drive or impel violently; dash.
6. To put in a particular position or condition; to put
on or off hastily or carelessly; to bring to bear; exert; build, construct.
7. To form or shape on a potter's wheel.
8. To deliver (a blow) in or as if in boxing.
9. To twist two or more filaments of into a thread or yarn.
10. To make a cast of (dice or a specified number on dice); roll.
11. To give up; abandon.
12. To send forth; project ; also; shed 3c.
13. To make (oneself) dependent; commit (oneself) for help, support, or protection.
14. Deposit.
15. To perform (as a stunt) successfully.
14. To indulge in; give way to.
16. To bring forth; to give birth to.
17. To lose intentionally.
18. To move (a lever) so as to connect or disconnect parts of a clutch or switch; also; to make or break (a connection) with a lever; to put (an automobile) in a different gear especially quickly or suddenly.
19. To give by way of entertainment.
20. Cast, hurl.
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bedevil · befuddle · bemuse · bewilder · cast · cast off · confound · confuse · contrive · discombobulat · discombobulate · drop · flip · fox · fuddle · give · have · hold · hurl · make · project · shake off · shed · switch · throw away · throw off · thrust + prikaži više



(Homonym: way, whey).
1. To determine the weight of.
2. To have a certain weight.
3. To be oppressive or burdensome; SYN. press.

consider · count · librate · matter · matter to · press + prikaži više

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