Množina: projects
ETYM Old Fren. project, French projet, from Latin projectus, p. p. of projicere to project; pro forward + jacere to throw. Related to Jet a shooting forth, and cf. Projet.
1. A planned undertaking; SYN. projection.
2. A school task requiring considerable effort; SYN. classroom project.
3. A series of activities with set objectives, designed to produce a specific outcome within a limited time frame.
Množina: projects
An operator in the relational algebra used in database management. Given relation (table) A, the project operator builds a new relation containing only a specified set of attributes (columns) of A.
1. To put or send forth; SYN. cast, contrive, throw.
2. To throw, send, or cast forward; SYN. send off.
3. To transfer from one domain into another, as of ideas and principles.
4. To project on a screen
5. To communicate vividly
6. To cause to be heard
7. To draw a projection of.
8. To present for consideration; SYN. propose.
9. To regard as objective; in psychology; SYN. externalize.