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ETYM Through French, from Latin conceptus a conceiving, conception, from concipere to conceive: cf. Old Fren. p. p. nom. conciez conceived. Related to Conceive, Concept, Deceit.
1. The trait of being vain and pompous; SYN. vanity.
2. A developed or elaborate metaphor.



ETYM Contr. from fantasy, Old Fren. fantasie, fantaisie, French fantaisie, Latin phantasia, from Greek to make visible, to place before one's mind, from phainein to show.
Fancy was held by Coleridge to be more casual and superficial than imagination.



ETYM Latin idea, Greek, from idein to see; akin to Eng. wit: cf. French idée. Related to Wit.
1. A personal view.
2. The content of cognition; the main thing one is thinking about; SYN. thought.
In philosophy, a term that has had a variety of technical usages; modern philosophers prefer more speci
fic terms like “sense datum”, “image”, and “concept”. An innate idea is a concept not derived from experience.
Plato’s Ideas (also called Forms) were immaterial objects outside the mind, universals or essences existing objectively in nature. In later Greek and in medieval philosophy, ideas tended to be in the mind of God. Since the 17th century, “idea” has nearly always been used for something in or having reference to the mind. For Immanuel Kant, an idea was a representation of something that cannot be experienced. For G W F Hegel, the term meant something like the overall pattern or purpose in the universe.
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1. The idea that is intended; SYN. sense, substance.
2. The message that is intended or expressed; SYN. significance, signification, import.
What is meant by words or things. In the philosophy of language, there are various theories about the meaning of words and sentences; fo
r example, that a meaningful proposition must be possible to check (verifiability). When things (or life itself) have meaning, it is because we understand them (“Clouds mean rain”) or they have significance (“This ring means a lot to me”).
Perhaps the most influential theory of meaning is German philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein's use theory, which states that the meaning of a word or expression is to be found in its use. For Wittgenstein, the meaning of a word or sentence is not subjective and private but public, because it requires social conventions for its use.
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ETYM as. mynd, gemynd.
(Homonym: mined).
1. That which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; SYN. head, brain, psyche, nous.
2. Knowledge and intellectual ability; SYN. intellect.
3. One's intention; what one intends to do; SYN. idea.
4. Recall or remembrance.
5. Attention.
6. An intellectual being; SYN. thinker.
In philosophy, the presumed m
ental or physical being or faculty that enables a person to think, will, and feel; the seat of the intelligence and of memory; sometimes only the cognitive or intellectual powers, as distinguished from the will and the emotions.
Mind may be seen as synonymous with the merely random chemical reactions within the brain, or as a function of the brain as a whole, or (more traditionally) as existing independently of the physical brain, through which it expresses itself, or even as the only reality, matter being considered the creation of intelligence. The relation of mind to matter may be variously regarded. Traditionally, materialism identifies mental and physical phenomena equally in terms of matter and motion. Dualism holds that mind and matter exist independently side by side. Idealism maintains that mind is the ultimate reality and that matter does not exist apart from it.
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1. A general inclusive concept.
2. A whimsical idea; SYN. whim, whimsy, whimsey.
3. Small personal or clothing or sewing items:; SYN. notions.

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ETYM Latin reflexio: cf. French réflexion. Related to Riflect.
1. The ability to reflect beams or rays; SYN. reflexion, reflectivity.
2. The image of something as reflected by a mirror (or other reflective material).
3. The phenomenon of a propagating wave (light or sound) being thrown back from a surface; SYN. reflexion.



ETYM Latin sensus, from sentire, sensum, to perceive, to feel, from the same root as Eng. send; cf. Old High Germ. sin sense, mind, sinnan to go, to journey, German sinnen to meditate, to think: cf. French sens.
In mathematics, the orientation of a vector.
Each vector has an equivalent vector of the opposite sense. The combined effect of two vectors of opposite sense is a zero vector.
(Homonym: cents, scent).
1. A general conscious awareness.
2. A natural appreciation.
3. The faculty through which the external world is apprehended; SYN. sensation, sentience, sentiency, sensory faculty.
4. The meaning of a word or expression; or.
5. What one must know in order to determine the reference of an expression; SYN. intension, connotation.
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ETYM Old Eng. thoght, thouht, as. thôht, gethôht, from thencean to think; akin to Dutch gedachte thought, Mid. High Germ. dâht, gedâht, Icel. thôttr, thôtti. Related to Think.
The organized beliefs of a period or group or individual; or.

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