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MOS | srpsko - engleski rečnik


muški rodelektrotehnika

Metal-oksidni poluprovodnik, vrsta poluprovodnika koji se koristi u računarima.



Acronym for metal-oxide semiconductor. An integrated-circuit technology in which field-effect transistors (FETs) are made with an insulating layer of silicon dioxide between a metal gate electrode and a semiconductor channel. MOS designs are widely used both in discrete components and in integrated circuits. MOS integrated circuits have the advantages of high component density, high speed, and low power consumption. MOS devices are easily damaged by static electricity, so before they are inserted in a circuit, they should be kept with their connectors embedded in conducting foam to prevent the buildup of static charges. See also FET, MOSFET. + prikaži više

mos | srpsko - engleski rečnik


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