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ETYM Latin anxietas, from anxius: cf. French anxiété. Related to Anxious.
1. A vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune; SYN. anxiousness, stress, fear, nervousness.
2. A relatively permanent state of nervous fear occurring in a variety of mental disorders; SYN. anxiousness.
Unpleasant, distressing emotion usually to be distinguished from fear. Fear is aroused by the perception of actual or threatened danger; anxiety arises when the danger is imagined or cannot be
identified or clearly perceived. It is a normal response in stressful situations, but is frequently experienced in many mental disorders.
Anxiety is experienced as a feeling of suspense, helplessness, or alternating hope and despair together with excessive alertness and characteristic bodily changes such as tightness in the throat, disturbances in breathing and heartbeat, sweating, and diarrhea.
In psychiatry, an anxiety state is a type of neurosis in which the anxiety either seems to arise for no reason or else is out of proportion to what may have caused it. “Phobic anxiety” refers to the irrational fear that characterizes phobia).
Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, identified two forms of anxiety: signal anxiety, which alerts the ego to impending threats that might unbalance it, and primary anxiety, which occurs when its equilibrium is upset, as for example in trauma or a nightmare. He maintained that anxiety was the result of unsatisfied libido and repression, and that the most primitive form of anxiety originated in the individual's birth experience.
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ETYM Latin attentio: cf. French attention.
1. A general interest that leads people to want to know more.
2. The process whereby a person concentrates
on some features of the environment to the (relative) exclusion of others; SYN. attending.
3. The faculty or power of mental concentration.
4. A motionless erect stance with arms at the sides and feet together; assumed by military personnel during drill or review.
5. A courteous act indicating affection.
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aid · attending · care · tending



One who, or that which, bothers; state of perplexity or annoyance; embarrassment; worry; disturbance.

annoyance · botheration · fuss · hassle · infliction · pain · pain in the ass · pain in the neck · trouble + prikaži više



ETYM AS. caru, cearu; akin to OS. kara sorrow, Goth. kara, OHG chara, lament, and perh. to Greek gerys voice. Not akin to cure. Related to Chary.
1. A cause f
or feeling concern.
2. Activity involved in maintaining something in good working order; SYN. maintenance, upkeep.
3. Attention and management implying responsibility for safety; SYN. charge, tutelage, guardianship.
4. The work of caring for or attending to someone or something; SYN. attention, aid, tending.
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aid · attention · caution · charge · concern · fear · forethought · guardianship · maintenance · precaution · tending · tutelage · upkeep + prikaži više





ETYM French charge, from charger to load. Related to Charge, Cargo, Caricature.
1. (Criminal law) A pleading describing some wrong or offense; SYN. complaint.
2. A quantity of explosive to be set off at one time; SYN. burster, bursting charge, explosive charge.
3. A impetuous rush toward someone or something.
4. A fi
nancial liability (such as a tax).
5. Request for payment of a debt; SYN. billing.
6. The price charged for some article or service.
7. The quantity of unbalanced electricity in a body; SYN. electric charge.
8. A person committed to one's care.
9. A design or image depicted on a shield; SYN. bearing, heraldic bearing, armorial bearing.
A property of subatomic particles, which can have either a negative charge or a positive charge. In electronics, a charge consists of either an excess of electrons (a negative charge) or a deficiency of electrons (a positive charge). The unit of charge is the coulomb, which corresponds to 6.26 x 1018 electrons.
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accusation · armorial bearing · bang · bearing · billing · boot · burster · bursting charge · care · cathexis · commission · complaint · direction · electric charge · explosive charge · flush · guardianship · heraldic bearing · kick · mission · rush · thrill · tutelage + prikaži više



1. A feeling of sympathy for someone or something.
2. An anxious feeling; SYN. care, fear.
3. Something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness; SYN. worry, headache, vexation.
4. Something that interests one because it is important or affects one.

business · business concern · business organisation · business organization · care · fear · headache · vexation · worry + prikaži više


imenicaarhaično, zastarelo



1. Something in which one is concerned
2. Importance, consequence
3 archaic; Involvement, participation
4. Solicitude, anxiety



ETYM Old Fren. destorbance.
1. A disorderly outburst or tumult; SYN. disruption, commotion, turmoil, stir, hurly burly, to-do.
2. An unhappy and worried mental state; SYN. perturbation, upset.
3. The act of disturbing something or someone; setting something in motion.

affray · commotion · disruption · flutter · folie · fray · hoo-ha · hoo-hah · hurly burly · interference · kerfuffle · mental disorder · mental disturbance · noise · perturbation · psychological disorder · ruffle · to-do · upset + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. hed, heved, heaved, as. heáfod.
1. The top of the body; the portion of the body containing the brain and showing the face.
2. The top of something.
3. An individual person.
4. The length or height based on the size of a human or animal head.
5. A rounded compact mass.
6. The striking part of a tool.
A part that projects out from the rest;.
8. The front of a military formation or procession.
9. A person who is in charge; SYN. chief, top dog.
10. (Linguistics) The word in a constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole; SYN. head word.
11. A single domestic animal.
12. (Usually plural) An obverse side of a coin that bears the representation of a person's head.
13. The tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates).
14. The pressure exerted by a fluid.
15. A toilet on board a boat of ship.
16. (Informal) A user of (usually soft) drugs.
17. The foam or froth that accumulates at the top when one pours an effervescent liquid into a container.
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brain · capitulum · caput · chief · drumhead · forefront · foreland · fountainhead · head teacher · head word · header · heading · headland · headspring · headway · mind · nou · oral sex · pass · point · principal · promontory · psyche · question · read/write head · school principal · straits · top dog + prikaži više



Attention, notice



ETYM Old Fren. hoe, French houe; of German origin, cf. Old High Germ. houwa, howa, German haue, from Old High Germ. houwan to hew. Related to Hew to cut.
(Homonym: ho).
A tool with a flat blade attached at right angles to a long handle.



ETYM French regard See Regard.
1. A feeling of friendship and esteem; SYN. respect.
2. (Usually plural) A polite expression of desire for someone's welfare; SYN. wish, compliments.

attentiveness · compliments · esteem · gaze · heed · paying attention · respect · wish + prikaži više



ETYM French trouble, Old Fren. troble, truble. Related to Trouble.
1. A source of difficulty; SYN. problem.
2. A state of adversity (danger or affliction or need); SYN. ill, distress.
3. An effort that is inconvenient; SYN. difficulty.
4. An event causing distress or pain.
5. An unwanted pregnancy.

bother · difficulty · fuss · hassle · problem · worry + prikaži više


imenicaarhaično, zastarelo



1. Anxiety or concern.
2. A state of anxiety or concern.

concern · headache · trouble · vexation

Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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