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Amylum, ein hochmolekulares Polysaccharid, das in den Chloroplasten der Pflanzen gebildet u. in Form kleiner, runder oder ovaler Körnchen in den Wurzeln, Knollen u. Samen gespeichert wird; der wichtigste Kohlenhydrat-Reservestoff der Pflanzen. Die techn. Gewinnung der S. erfolgt durch Wasch- u. Schlämmprozesse aus Kartoffeln, Mais, Reis u. Weizen. S. wird u. a. als Nährstoff sowie zur Herstellung von Leimen u. Kleistern verwendet.
Stärke ist ein Kohlenhydrat (
Mehrfachzucker), das durch die Verknüpfung vieler Bausteine der Glukose (Traubenzucker) entsteht. Stärke wird nur von Pflanzen gebildet; Stärkereiche Lebensmittel sind daher z.B. Getreide, Getreideprodukte und Kartoffeln.
Stärke dient als Rohstoff für verschiedene Nährmittel und wird beispielsweise auch zur Gewinnung von Alkohol (Kartoffelschnaps, Korn etc.) verwendet.
Stärke ist in kaltem Wasser unlöslich, quillt aber in warmem Wasser (ab ca. 50 Grad Celsius) auf (=Verkleisterung). Deshalb wird sie auch zum Andicken von Speisen verwendet.
In der Technik wird Stärke wegen ihres Quell- und Klebevermögens zur Herstellung von Leimen, Klebstoffen und Textilappreturen verwendet.
Sogenannte "modifizierte Stärken" werden durch physikalische (Hitze) oder chemische Veränderung der Stärke gewonnen. Diese haben eine bessere Quellfähigkeit und Löslichkeit. Modifizierte Stärken gehören zu den Zusatzstoffen.

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Any influence that tends to change the state of rest or the uniform motion in a straight line of a body. The action of an unbalanced or resultant force results in the acceleration of a body in the direction of action of the force, or it may, if the body is unable to move freely, result in its deformation (see Hooke's law). Force is a vector quantity, possessing both magnitude and direction; its si unit is the newton.
According to Newton’s second law of motion the magnitude of a resultant force is equal to the rate of change of momentum of the body on which it acts; the force F producing an acceleration a m s-2 on a body of mass m kilograms is therefore given by: F = ma See also Newton’s laws of motion.
1. Physical energy or intensity:; SYN. forcefulness, strength.
2. The physical influence that produces a change in a physical quantity
3. A powerful effect or influence:
4. Group of people willing to obey orders; SYN. personnel.
5. A group of people having the power of effective action
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ETYM Italian forte: cf. French fort. Related to Fort.
(Homonym: fort).
1. (Music) With great loudness; SYN. fortissimo.
2. An asset of special worth or utility; SYN. long suit, metier, specialty, speciality, strong point, strength.
3. The stronger half of a sword blade between the hilt and the foible.

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ETYM Latin fortitudo, from fortis strong. Related to Fort.
Strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity with courage.



Forcefulness, intensity; state of having great physical strength, mightiness; potency, effectiveness; authoritativeness, state of having great influence




ETYM From starch stiff, cf. German stärke, from stark strong.
Widely distributed, high-molecular-mass carbohydrate, produced by plants as a food store; main dietary sources are cereals, legumes, and tubers, including potatoes. It consists of varying proportions of two glucose polymers (polysaccharides): straight-chain (amylose) and branched (amylopectin) molecules.
Purified starch is a white powder used to stiffen textiles and paper and as a raw material for making various chem
icals. It is used in the food industry as a thickening agent. Chemical treatment of starch gives rise to a range of “modified starches” with varying properties. Hydrolysis (splitting) of starch by acid or enzymes generates a variety of “glucose syrups” or “liquid glucose” for use in the food industry. Complete hydrolysis of starch with acid generates the monosaccharide glucose only. Incomplete hydrolysis or enzymic hydrolysis yields a mixture of glucose, maltose and non-hydrolyzed fractions called dextrins.
A link was identified 1994 between a diet low in starch and cancer of the colon.
1. A feculent contained various plants, being a store of energy.
2. A solution made with this feculent and used to stiffen fabric.
A complex carbohydrate found chiefly in seeds, fruits, tubers, roots and stem pith of plants, notably in corn, potatoes, wheat, and rice; an important foodstuff and used otherwise especially in adhesives and as fillers for paper.
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starch flour




ETYM Old Eng. strengthe, as. strengthu, from strang strong. Related to Strong.
1. The condition of financial success.
2. The property of being physically or mentally strong.

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Powerfulness, mightiness, quality of having great physical power



ETYM Old Eng. vigour, vigor, Old Fren. vigor, vigur, vigour, French vigueur, from Latin vigor, from vigere to be lively or strong. Related to Vegetable, Vigil.
(Alternate spelling: vigour).
Active strength of body or mind; SYN. vigour.

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Alternate (chiefly British) spelling for vigor.

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