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ETYM Latin aspectus, from aspicere, aspectum, to look at; ad + spicere, specere, to look, akin to Eng. spy.
1. A characteristic to be considered.
2. A distinct feature or element in a problem; SYN. facet.r /> 3. The beginning or duration or completion or repetition of the action of a verb.
In Earth sciences the direction in which a slope faces. In the northern hemisphere a slope with a southerly aspect receives more sunshine than other slopes and is therefore better suited for growing crops that require many hours of sunshine in order to ripen successfully. Vineyards in northern Europe are usually situated on south-facing slopes.
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ETYM AS. beám beam, post, tree, ray of light; akin to OFries. bâm tree, OS. bôm, Dutch boom, Old High Germ. boum, poum, German baum, Icel. bathmr, Goth. bagms and Greek phyma a growth, phynai to become, to be.
1. A column of light (as from a beacon); SYN. beam of light, light beam, ray, ray of light, shaft, shaft of light.
2. A group of nearly parallel lines of electromagnetic radiation.
3. Breadth amidships.
4. Long thick piece of wood or metal or concrete, etc., used in construction.
A configuration of radiated energy characterized by rays that are sharply directional and parallel.
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1. Especially one side of a leaf of paper.
2. In medieval times a youth acting as a knight's attendant as the first stage in training for knighthood; SYN. varlet.
3. A youthful attendant at official functions or ceremonies such as legislative functions and weddings.
4. A boy who is employed to run errands; SYN. pageboy.

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ETYM as. sîde; akin to Dutch zijde, German seite, Old High Germ. sîta, Icel. sîtha, Dan. side, Swed. sida.
1. A surface forming part of the outside of an object; SYN. face.
2. A extended outer surface of an object.
3. An aspect of something (as contrasted with
some other implied aspect).
4. A place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location.
5. A line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure.
6. Either the left or right half of a body (human or animal).
7. An opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute; SYN. position.
8. A lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for food; SYN. side of meat.
9. A family line of descent.
10. One of two or more contesting groups (in games or war or politics).
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ženski rodnautika

Berndt, 22.4.1944, dt. Politiker (CDU); seit 1992 Min.-Präs. von Meckl.-Vorp.

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