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ženski rodgramatika

(im Unterschied zur Leihe) entgeltl., zeitl. befristete Überlassung einer Sache. M. wird v.a. für Wohnraum erhoben und vertragl. festgelegt; sie muß sich nach dem ortsübl. Mietenspiegel richten und unterliegt den Bestimmungen des Mieterschutzes, der Kündigungsfristen und -gründe, Erhöhungen der M. u.a. regelt.

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A device (used by carpenters) that holds things firmly together.
1. A device designed to bind or constrict or to press two or more parts together so as to hold them firmly
2. Any of various instruments or appliances having parts brought together for holding or compressing something




ETYM Cf. Old Fren. lais. Related to Lease.
1. A contract granting use or occupation of property during a speci
fied time for a specified payment.
2. Property that is leased or rented out or let; SYN. rental, letting.
3. The period of time during which a contract conveying property to a person is in effect; SYN. term of a contract.
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letting · rental · term of a contract



ETYM as. leásung, from leás loose, false, deceitful. Related to -less, Loose.
The renting or hiring something.
Form of renting, like hire purchase, typically used by businesses to finance the acquisition of land, buildings, machinery, and other in
dustrial equipment. Unlike with hire purchase, responsibility for maintenance lies with the company which leases out the land or equipment.
Leasing is widely used by companies in preference to outright purchase partly because there are tax advantages, and partly because less financial capital is needed at the time the leasing agreement is taken out. In the leasing agreement, there is often a clause that enables the company to purchase outright the leased equipment at very low cost when the leasing agreement expires.
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1. A regular payment by a tenant to a landlord for use of some property.
2. The act of rending or ripping or splitting something; SYN. rip, split.
3. Obligatory payment for hiring property, made by a tenant to a landlord under the terms of a lease or tenancy agreement.

economic rent · rip · snag · split · tear



ETYM French.
1. A cylindrical tower used for storing silage.
2. An underground structure where ballistic missiles can be stored
and fired.
Storage pit or building for silage.
In farming, an airtight tower in which silage is made by the fermentation of freshly cut grass and other forage crops. In military technology, a silo is an underground chamber for housing and launching a ballistic missile.
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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja