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ženski rodgramatika

die der kurzfristigen Veränderlichkeit unterworfene Form der inneren u. äußeren Lebenshaltung, bes. die jeweils vorherrschende Art der Kleidung, Bart- u. Haartracht.
(frz.)zeitweilig vorherrschender, raschem Wechsel unte
rliegender Geschmack hinsichtl. gesellschaftl. Formen, Frisuren und v.a. Kleidung. M. ist Ausdruck eines Lebensgefühls, wirkt auch auf Kunst, Literatur, Theater u.a. und wird umgekehrt ebenso von diesen geprägt. V.a. die weibl. M. unterliegt starken Schwankungen, die z.T. künstl. durch Werbung und Marketing erzeugt werden, aber auch dem Wunsch nach Abwechslung, erot. Phantasien und dem jeweiligen Bild der Frau und ihrer gesellschaftl. Rolle entspringen.

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ETYM Old Eng. fasoun, facioun, shape, manner, French facon, orig., a making, from Latin factio a making, from facere to make. Related to Fact, Feat, Faction.
1. Characteristic or habitual practice.
2. The latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior.
Style currently in vogue, primarily applied to clothing. Throughout history, in addition to it
s mainly functional purpose, clothing has been a social status symbol, conveying information about the class, rank, and wealth of the wearer. Fashions were set by the court and ruling classes until the emergence of the individualistic fashion designer, creating clothes exclusively for wealthy clients, in the 19th century. Mass production and diffusion ranges in the 20th century have made the latest designs accessible to a much wider public and fashion has played a much greater role in everyday life.
In recent times fashion has also become a vehicle for political and social statements, usually rebellious, and a means of reflecting the mood of the times. Styles have become much more diverse, and it is no longer the case that any one style of fashion predominates.
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ETYM French vogue a rowing, vogue, fashion, Italian voga, from vogare to row, to sail; probably from Old High Germ. wagen to move.
The popular taste at a given time; SYN. trend, style.

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Reč dana 16.09.2024.

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ženski rod, gramatika
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