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1. An aptitude that may be developed; SYN. capableness, potentiality.
2. The quality of being capable -- physically or intellectually or legally; SYN. capableness.
3. The susceptibility of something to a particular treatment; SYN. capacity.



ETYM Latin capacitus, from capax, capacis; from French capacité. Related to Capacious.
(volume) Alternative term for volume, generally used to refer to the amount of liquid or gas that may be held in a container. Units of capacity include liter and milliliter (metric); pint and gallon (imperial).
1. Ability to
perform or produce.
2. The power to learn or retain knowledge; SYN. mental ability.
3. A specified function.
4. The amount that can be contained; SYN. content.
5. The maximum production possible.
This word is used in names of quantities which express the relative amount of some quantity with respect to a another quantity upon which it depends. For example, heat capacity is dU/dT, where U is the internal energy and T is the temperature. Electrical capacity, or capacitance is another example: C = |dQ/dV|, where Q is the magnitude of charge on each capacitor plate and V is the potential diference between the plates.
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The power to be effective; SYN. effectivity, effectualness, effectuality.
Not the same as The effectiveness of a proposal or project is a measure of its effect. An effective project produces a desired change.



1. Skillfulness in avoiding wasted time and effort.
2. The ratio of the output to the input of any system.
Output of a machine (work done by the machine) divided by the input (work put into the machine), usually expressed as a percentage. Because of losses caused by friction, efficien
cy is always less than 100%, although it can approach this for electrical machines with no moving parts (such as a transformer).
Since the mechanical advantage, or force ratio, is the ratio of the load (the output force) to the effort (the input force), and the velocity ratio is the distance moved by the effort divided by the distance moved by the load, for certain machines the efficiency can also be defined as the mechanical advantage divided by the velocity ratio.
Competency or capability of performance. Producing desired change with little waste of money, resources, time, etc.
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(Economics) The ratio of the quantity and quality of units produced to the labor per unit of time.
In economics, the output produced by a given quantity of labor, usually measured as output per person employed in the firm, industry, sector, or economy concerned. Produc
tivity is determined by the quality and quantity of the fixed capital used by labor, and the effort of the workers concerned.
The level of productivity is a major determinant of cost-efficiency: higher productivity tends to reduce average costs of production. Increases in productivity in a whole economy are a major determinant of economic growth. It is important to distinguish between the rate of growth of productivity and the level of productivity, since at lower levels of productivity, higher rates of productivity growth may be achieved.
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1. Standing or position on a scale.
2. (chiefly British) A naval enlisted man
3. Relative estimate or evaluation; standing; an estimate of an i
ndividual's or business's credit and responsibility; an estimate of the percentage of the public listening to or viewing a particular radio or television program
4. A stated operating limit of a machine expressible in power units (as kilowatts of a direct-current generator) or in characteristics (as voltage)
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Reč dana 06.10.2024.

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