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4) im Weinbau eine bestimmte Anbaufläche mit gleichartigen Bedingungen und gleichen Rebsorten. - 5) im Militärwesen die Gesamtheit aller für die Kriegführung maßgebl. Faktoren auf einem Kriegsschauplatz zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt.

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ETYM Old Fren. cote, French cotte, petticoat, cotte d'armes coat of arms, cotte de mailles coat of mail, Late Lat. cota, cotta, tunic, prob. of German origin.
(Homonym: cote).
1. An outer garment that has sleeves and covers the body from shoulder down; worn outdoors.
2. Growth of hair or wool or fur covering the body of an animal.
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coating · pelage



1. A relatively thin sheetlike expanse or region lying over or under another SYN. level, stratum, sheet.
2. A single thickness of usually some homogeneous substance.
3. Thin structure composed of a single thickness of cells.

bed · level · stratum



ETYM Cf. French pli, from plier. Related to Ply.
1. One of the strands twisted together to make yarn or rope or thread; often used in combination: or.
2. Usually used in combination; one of several layers of cloth or paper or wood as in plywood.



ETYM French position, Latin positio, from ponere, positum, to put, place.
2. The spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated; SYN. spatial relation.
3. The appropriate
or customary location.
4. Position or arrangement of the body and its limbs; SYN. posture, attitude.
5. A way of regarding situations or topics etc.; SYN. view, perspective.
6. A rationalized mental attitude; SYN. posture.
7. A job in an organization or hierarchy; SYN. post, berth, slot, office, spot, place, situation.
8. (In team sports) The role assigned to an individual player.
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attitude · berth · billet · emplacement · lieu · locating · location · military position · office · perspective · place · placement · positioning · post · posture · side · situatio · situation · spatial relation · spot · stance · status · stead · view + prikaži više



ETYM French, from Latin positura, from ponere, positum, to place. Related to Position.
1. The position of the body; the situation or di
sposition of the several parts of the body with respect to each other, or for a particular purpose.
2. The erect or proper position of the body.
3. (Fine Arts), the position of a figure with regard to the several principal members by which action is expressed; attitude.
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attitude · bearing · carriage · military capability · military posture · military strength · position · stance · strength + prikaži više



ETYM Latin situs, from sinere, situm, to let, p. p. situs placed, lying, situate: cf. French site. Related to Position.
(Homonym: cite, sight).
1. Physical position in relation to the surroundings; SYN. situation.<
br /> 2. The piece of land on which something is located (or is to be located); SYN. land site.
In archeology, any location where there is evidence for past human behavior. A site can be as small as an isolated find, which is either a single artifact or a small number of artifacts, or as large as an ancient city. Sites are classified according to function: major types include domestic/habitation sites, kill sites, and processing/butchering sites.
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internet site · land site · situation · web site · website



ETYM Late Lat. situatio: cf. French situation.
1. A condition or position in which one finds oneself; SYN. position.
2. The general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time.

berth · billet · office · plac · position · post · site · spot · state of affairs + prikaži više
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(Stadt) Stadt in NRW, an der Werre, 33 000 Ew.; versch. Ind.

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