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muški rodgramatika

hier: Im Polizeivollzugsdienst gibt es je nach Qualifikation Beamte in folgenden Laufbahngruppen:
Mittlerer Dienst Schutzpolizei
Gehobener Dienst Schutzpolizei
Gehobener Dienst Kriminalpolizei
Höherer Dienst Schutz- und Kriminalpolizei
In der Gotik entwickelte Halbsäule, die Pfeilern, Rundpfeilern oder Wänden vorgele
gt ist u. ein Glied des Gewölbes trägt.
In der roman. oder got. Baukunst dünnes Säulchen oder Halbsäulchen, im Querschnitt viertel-, dreiviertelkreis- oder birnenförmig; einzeln oder zu mehreren gebündelt der Wand (Wanddienst) oder einem Pfeiler vorgelagert bzw. um diesen herumgeführt (Dienstbündel). Die stärkeren alten D.e tragen die Quer- und Längsgurte, die jungen D.e tragen die Rippen bzw. rippenähnliche Profile.
In der roman. oder got. Baukunst kleine, dünne Säule oder Halbsäule, im Querschnitt viertel-, dreiviertelkreis- oder birnenförmig; einzeln oder zu mehreren gebündelt der Wand (Wanddienst) oder einem Pfeiler vorgelagert bzw. um diesen herumgeführt (D.bündel).

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ETYM French, from Latin commissio. Related to Commit.
1. A fee for services rendered based on a percentage of an amount received or collected or agreed to be paid (as distinguished from a salary).
2. A formal statement of a command or injunction to do something; SYN. charge, direction.
3. An official document issu
ed by a government and conferring on the recipient the rank of an officer in the armed forces; SYN. military commission.
4. The act of granting authority to undertake certain functions; SYN. commissioning.
5. The state of being in good working order and ready for operation.
Method of payment for salespeople in which they are given a proportion of the monetary value of every sale they make. Commission payments are a type of piece rate payment.
Usually a worker is paid a basic wage and earns commission on top of that. However, some workers are employed on a commission-only basis where all their earnings are made up of commission payments.
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charge · commissioning · committal · committee · delegacy · delegation · deputation · direction · military commission · mission · perpetration + prikaži više



ETYM From Due.
1. The social force that binds one to one's obligations and the courses of action demanded by that force.
2. Work that one is obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons.
Moral obligation experienced as a felt commandment of the moral l
aw. Moral conflicts occur where a number of duties make apparently irreconcilable demands on us.
The stoics in ancient Greece and Immanuel Kant in Germany (who coined the concept of the categorical imperative) are the moral philosophers who have placed greatest emphasis on duty. Duty is strongly emphasized in Confucianism (especially duty to the state and to ancestors) and in Japanese culture, where it is divided into obligations (on) that can and therefore must be repaid, and continuous obligations, such as those to parents and country.
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1. The act of giving someone a job; SYN. engagement, hire, hiring.
2. The state of being employed or having a job; SYN. employ.

employ · engagement · exercise · usage · use · utilisation · utilization · work + prikaži više



The act or process of ministering

relief · succor · succour



ETYM French, from Latin officium, for opificium; ops ability, wealth, holp + facere to do or make. Related to Opulent, Fact.
1. A place where pr
ofessional or clerical duties are performed.
2. Professional or clerical workers in an office; SYN. office staff.
3. (Of a government or government official) Holding an office means being in power; SYN. power.
4. A religious rite or service prescribed by ecclesiastical authorities.
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agency · authority · berth · billet · bureau · business office · federal agency · function · government agency · office staff · part · place · position · post · power · role · situatio · spot + prikaži više



1. Work done by one person or group that benefits another
2. The performance of duties by a waiter or servant
3. Employment in work for another
4. An act of help or assistance
5. A company or agency that performs a public
service; subject to government regulation.
6. The act of public worship following prescribed rules; SYN. religious service, divine service.
7. The act of delivering a writ or summons upon someone; SYN. serving, service of process.
8. A complete set of articles (silver or dishware) for use at table; SYN. table service.
9. (Common law) The acts performed by an English feudal tenant for the benefit of his lord which formed the consideration for the property granted to him.
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