Pause prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Pause | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodgramatika

(allgemein) Vorübergehendes Aufhören einer Tätigkeit, kurze Rast.

Auszeit · Karenz · Stopp · Tätigkeitsunterbrechung · Time-out · Unterbrechung · Unterbruch · Unterlass · Hiatus · Lücke · Zwischenphase · Zwischenzeit · Brotzeit · Frühstückspause · Jause · Neuner · Vesper · Znüni · Zweites Frühstück · Mußestunde · Ruhezeit · Zeit der inneren Einkehr · Zeit der Untätigkeit · Zeit des süßen Nichtstuns · (kurze) Pause · Atempause · Verschnaufpause + prikaži više
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srpski · francuski



1. Photographic print of plans or technical drawings etc.
2. Something intended as a guide for making something else; SYN. design, pattern.
Photographic process used for copying engineering drawings and architectural plans, so calle
d because it produces a white copy of the original against a blue background.
The plan to be copied is made on transparent tracing paper, which is placed in contact with paper sensitized with a mixture of iron ammonium citrate and potassium hexacyanoferrate. The paper is exposed to ultraviolet radiation and then washed in water. Where the light reaches the paper, it turns blue (Prussian blue). The paper underneath the lines of the drawing is unaffected, so remains white. blue print.
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design · pattern



(Homonym: brake).
1. The occurrence of breaking.
2. A sudden dash.
3. An act of delaying or interrupting the continuity; SYN. interruption, disruption, gap.

4. An escape from jail; SYN. breakout, jailbreak, gaolbreak, prisonbreak, prison-breaking.
5. An unexpected piece of good luck; SYN. good luck, happy chance.
6. (Tennis) A score consisting of winning a game when one's opponent was serving; SYN. break of serve.
7. The opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or pool.
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breach · break of serve · breakage · breaking · breakout · disruption · falling out · fault · faulting · fractur · fracture · gaolbreak · gap · geological fault · good luck · happy chance · intermission · interruption · jailbreak · open frame · pause · prison-breakin · prisonbreak · recess · respite · rift · rupture · severance · shift · suspension · time out + prikaži više



ETYM Latin intermissio: cf. French intermission. Related to Intermit.
The act of suspending activity temporarily.



1. A set containing all points (or all real numbers) between two given endpoints.
2. The difference in pitch betw
een two notes; SYN. musical interval.
3. The distance between things; SYN. separation.
In music, the pitch difference between two notes, expressed in terms of the diatonic scale, for example a fifth, or as a harmonic ratio, 3:2.
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musical interval · separation · time interval



ETYM French, from Latin pausa. Related to Pose.
(Homonym: paws).
1. A time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something; SYN. intermission, break, interruption, suspension.
2. Temporary inactivity.

break · intermission · interruption · suspensio



1. The action of receding; recession
2. A hidden, secret, or secluded place or part
3. Indentation, cleft; alcove
4. A suspension of business or procedure often for rest or relaxation

break · corne · deferral · inlet · niche · recession · respite · time ou + prikaži više



ETYM Old Fren. respit, French répit, from Latin respectus respect, regard, delay, in Late Lat., the deferring of a day. Related to Respect.
1. A pause for relaxation; SYN. rest, relief, rest period.
2. A pause from doing something (as work); SYN. recess, break, time out.

abatement · break · hiatus · recess · relief · reprieve · rest · rest period · suspension · time out + prikaži više



(Homonym: wrest).
1. A state of inaction.
2. A support on which things can be put.
3. Euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb); SYN. eternal rest, sleep, eternal sleep, quietus.

balance · ease · eternal rest · eternal sleep · quietus · relaxation · relief · remainder · repose · residual · residue · residuu · respite · rest period · sleep + prikaži više



1. The act of stopping something; SYN. stoppage.
2. The event of something ending; SYN. halt.
3. A spot where something halts or pauses
4. A brief stay in the course of a journey; SYN. stopover, layover.

time out


Or timeout or time-out. An event that indicates that a predetermined amount of time has elapsed without some other expected event taking place. The time-out event is used to interrupt the process that had been waiting for the other expected event. For example, a dial-up remote system might allow the user 60 seconds to log in after making a connection. If the user fails to enter a valid login name and password within this time, the computer breaks the connection, thus protecting itself against crackers as well as freeing a phone line that may have gone dead. A brief suspension of play. + prikaži više

break · recess · respite
Pause | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodsport
Auszeit · Karenz · Stopp · Tätigkeitsunterbrechung · Time-out · Unterbrechung · Unterbruch · Unterlass · Hiatus · Lücke · Zwischenphase · Zwischenzeit · Brotzeit · Frühstückspause · Jause · Neuner · Vesper · Znüni · Zweites Frühstück · Mußestunde · Ruhezeit · Zeit der inneren Einkehr · Zeit der Untätigkeit · Zeit des süßen Nichtstuns · (kurze) Pause · Atempause · Verschnaufpause + prikaži više
Prevedi Pause na:

srpski · francuski



(Homonym: brake).
1. The occurrence of breaking.
2. A sudden dash.
3. An act of delaying or interrupting the continuity; SYN. interruption, disruption, gap.

4. An escape from jail; SYN. breakout, jailbreak, gaolbreak, prisonbreak, prison-breaking.
5. An unexpected piece of good luck; SYN. good luck, happy chance.
6. (Tennis) A score consisting of winning a game when one's opponent was serving; SYN. break of serve.
7. The opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or pool.
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breach · break of serve · breakage · breaking · breakout · disruption · falling out · fault · faulting · fractur · fracture · gaolbreak · gap · geological fault · good luck · happy chance · intermission · interruption · jailbreak · open frame · pause · prison-breakin · prisonbreak · recess · respite · rift · rupture · severance · shift · suspension · time out + prikaži više



ETYM Latin intermissio: cf. French intermission. Related to Intermit.
The act of suspending activity temporarily.



1. A set containing all points (or all real numbers) between two given endpoints.
2. The difference in pitch betw
een two notes; SYN. musical interval.
3. The distance between things; SYN. separation.
In music, the pitch difference between two notes, expressed in terms of the diatonic scale, for example a fifth, or as a harmonic ratio, 3:2.
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musical interval · separation · time interval

time out


Or timeout or time-out. An event that indicates that a predetermined amount of time has elapsed without some other expected event taking place. The time-out event is used to interrupt the process that had been waiting for the other expected event. For example, a dial-up remote system might allow the user 60 seconds to log in after making a connection. If the user fails to enter a valid login name and password within this time, the computer breaks the connection, thus protecting itself against crackers as well as freeing a phone line that may have gone dead. A brief suspension of play. + prikaži više

break · recess · respite
Pause | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodSchule
Auszeit · Karenz · Stopp · Tätigkeitsunterbrechung · Time-out · Unterbrechung · Unterbruch · Unterlass · Hiatus · Lücke · Zwischenphase · Zwischenzeit · Brotzeit · Frühstückspause · Jause · Neuner · Vesper · Znüni · Zweites Frühstück · Mußestunde · Ruhezeit · Zeit der inneren Einkehr · Zeit der Untätigkeit · Zeit des süßen Nichtstuns · (kurze) Pause · Atempause · Verschnaufpause + prikaži više
Prevedi Pause na:

srpski · francuski



(Homonym: brake).
1. The occurrence of breaking.
2. A sudden dash.
3. An act of delaying or interrupting the continuity; SYN. interruption, disruption, gap.

4. An escape from jail; SYN. breakout, jailbreak, gaolbreak, prisonbreak, prison-breaking.
5. An unexpected piece of good luck; SYN. good luck, happy chance.
6. (Tennis) A score consisting of winning a game when one's opponent was serving; SYN. break of serve.
7. The opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or pool.
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breach · break of serve · breakage · breaking · breakout · disruption · falling out · fault · faulting · fractur · fracture · gaolbreak · gap · geological fault · good luck · happy chance · intermission · interruption · jailbreak · open frame · pause · prison-breakin · prisonbreak · recess · respite · rift · rupture · severance · shift · suspension · time out + prikaži više



1. The action of receding; recession
2. A hidden, secret, or secluded place or part
3. Indentation, cleft; alcove
4. A suspension of business or procedure often for rest or relaxation

break · corne · deferral · inlet · niche · recession · respite · time ou + prikaži više
Pause | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodmuzika
Auszeit · Karenz · Stopp · Tätigkeitsunterbrechung · Time-out · Unterbrechung · Unterbruch · Unterlass · Hiatus · Lücke · Zwischenphase · Zwischenzeit · Brotzeit · Frühstückspause · Jause · Neuner · Vesper · Znüni · Zweites Frühstück · Mußestunde · Ruhezeit · Zeit der inneren Einkehr · Zeit der Untätigkeit · Zeit des süßen Nichtstuns · (kurze) Pause · Atempause · Verschnaufpause + prikaži više
Prevedi Pause na:

srpski · francuski



1. In music, a silence, or the notation indicating a silence.
2. A musical notation indicating a silence of a specified duration.

Pause | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodteatar
Auszeit · Karenz · Stopp · Tätigkeitsunterbrechung · Time-out · Unterbrechung · Unterbruch · Unterlass · Hiatus · Lücke · Zwischenphase · Zwischenzeit · Brotzeit · Frühstückspause · Jause · Neuner · Vesper · Znüni · Zweites Frühstück · Mußestunde · Ruhezeit · Zeit der inneren Einkehr · Zeit der Untätigkeit · Zeit des süßen Nichtstuns · (kurze) Pause · Atempause · Verschnaufpause + prikaži više
Prevedi Pause na:

srpski · francuski



ETYM Latin intermissio: cf. French intermission. Related to Intermit.
The act of suspending activity temporarily.

Pause | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodKopie
Auszeit · Karenz · Stopp · Tätigkeitsunterbrechung · Time-out · Unterbrechung · Unterbruch · Unterlass · Hiatus · Lücke · Zwischenphase · Zwischenzeit · Brotzeit · Frühstückspause · Jause · Neuner · Vesper · Znüni · Zweites Frühstück · Mußestunde · Ruhezeit · Zeit der inneren Einkehr · Zeit der Untätigkeit · Zeit des süßen Nichtstuns · (kurze) Pause · Atempause · Verschnaufpause + prikaži više
Prevedi Pause na:

srpski · francuski



1. Photographic print of plans or technical drawings etc.
2. Something intended as a guide for making something else; SYN. design, pattern.
Photographic process used for copying engineering drawings and architectural plans, so calle
d because it produces a white copy of the original against a blue background.
The plan to be copied is made on transparent tracing paper, which is placed in contact with paper sensitized with a mixture of iron ammonium citrate and potassium hexacyanoferrate. The paper is exposed to ultraviolet radiation and then washed in water. Where the light reaches the paper, it turns blue (Prussian blue). The paper underneath the lines of the drawing is unaffected, so remains white. blue print.
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design · pattern

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