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Stellung, meist auf eine bestimmte Wirkung berechnete Haltung.
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ETYM Latin actus, from agere to drive, do: cf. French acte. Related to Agent.
1. Something that people do or cause to happen; SYN. human action, human activity.
2. A manifestation of insincerity.
3. A short theatrical performan
ce that is part of a longer program; SYN. routine, number, turn, bit.
4. A subdivision of a play or opera or ballet.
5. A legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body; SYN. enactment.
In drama, the principal division of a play, usually marking a change of location, time, or mood. Acts are subdivided into scenes. All Shakespeare's plays are printed in five acts. The majority of modern plays are divided into three acts.
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ETYM Old Eng. air, eir, French air, Latin aër, from Greek aer, air, mist, for aeier, from root ai to blow, breathe. Related to Aëry, Debonair, Malaria, Wind.
(Homonyms: err, heir).
1. A mixture of g
ases (especially oxygen) required for breathing.
2. The atmosphere; wind.
3. The region above the ground.
4. A distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing: SYN. aura, atmosphere.
5. A distinctive manner.
6. Medium for radio and television broadcasting; SYN. airwave.
7. (Archaic) The gaseous substance once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe.
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air travel · airwave · atmosphere · aura · aviation · breeze · gentle wind · line · melodic line · melodic phrase · melody · strain · tune · zephyr + prikaži više



1. A sustained posture; especially; one assumed for artistic effect
2. An attitude, role, or characteristic assumed for effect
3. A position, especially the position one adopts for a portrait or a photograph.



ETYM French, from Latin positura, from ponere, positum, to place. Related to Position.
1. The position of the body; the situation or di
sposition of the several parts of the body with respect to each other, or for a particular purpose.
2. The erect or proper position of the body.
3. (Fine Arts), the position of a figure with regard to the several principal members by which action is expressed; attitude.
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attitude · bearing · carriage · military capability · military posture · military strength · position · stance · strength + prikaži više
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