Partie prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Partie | nemačko - engleski rečnik


ženski rodgramatika

(Theater) Part, Bühnenrolle.
(allgemein) Teil, Anzahl, (Waren-) Menge; Gang in einem Wettbewerb oder Spiel; Ausflug (Land-P.); Heirat (gute oder schlechte P.).

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ETYM Old Eng. game, gamen, AS. gamen, gomen, play, sport; akin to OS., Old High Germ., and Icel. gaman, Dan. gammen mirth, merriment, OSw. gamman joy. Related to Gammon a game, Backgammon, Gamble.
1. A contest with rules to determine a winner.
2. An amusement or pastime.
3. The equipment needed to play a game.
4. Animal hunted for food or sport.
5. The flesh of wild animals that is used for food.
6. Informal terms for an occupation; SYN. biz.
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ETYM as. hlot; akin to hleótan to cast lots, os. hlôt lot, Dutch lot, German loos, Old High Germ. lôz, Icel. hlutr, Swed. lott, Dan. lod, Goth. hlauts. Related to Allot, Lotto, Lottery.
A parcel of land having fixed boundaries.

Lot · band · batch · bunch · caboodle · circle · circumstances · deal · destiny · draw · fate · flock · fortune · good deal · great deal · hatful · heap · luck · mass · mess · mickle · mint · muckle · peck · pile · plenty · portion · pot · quite a little · raft · set · sight · slew · spate · stack · tidy sum · wad · whole lot · whole sle + prikaži više



ETYM French parti and partie, from French partir to part, divide, Latin partire, partiri. Related to Part.
1. A band of people associated temporari
ly in some activity; SYN. company.
2. A group of people gathered together for pleasure.
3. A person involved in legal proceedings.
4. An occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment.
5. An organization to gain political power; SYN. political party.
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