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Verschlussteil bei einem Armband. Auch Federgehäuse, jener Teil, der bei Armbändern und Armreifen mit Bewegung die Verschlussfeder hält. Man unterscheidet Gehäuse für einfache und doppelte Federführung.

Kasten · Schalung · Verkleidung
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1. Usually rectangular container; may have a lid.
2. The quantity contained in a box; SYN. boxful.
3. A rectangular drawing.
4. Private area in a theater or grandstand where a sma
ll group can watch the performance; SYN. loge.
5. The driver's seat on a coach; SYN. box seat.
6. Separate partitioned area in a public place for a few people.
7. Any one of several designated areas on a ball field where the batter or catcher or coaches are positioned.
8. Evergreen shrubs or small trees; SYN. boxwood.
9. A blow with the hand (usually on the ear).
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box seat · boxful · boxwood · corner · loge



ETYM French, dim. of cabine or cabane. Related to Cabin.
1. A cupboard-like repository or piece of furniture with doors and shelves and drawers; for storage or display.
2. A storage compartment for clothes and valuables; usually it has a lock; SYN. locker, storage locker.
3. Housing for electronic instruments, as radio or television; SYN. console.
> 4. Persons appointed by a head of state to head executive departments of government and act as official advisers.
In government, a group of ministers that act as advisers to a country's executive. Cabinet members generally advise on, decide, or administer the government's policy. The US cabinet consists of the secretaries (heads) of the executive departments, appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. The secretaries are not members of Congress; they are advisers to the president. In the UK, the cabinet system originated under the Stuart monarchs; under William III it became customary for the king to select his ministers from the party with a parliamentary majority. The chief royal adviser was called the prime minister.
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console · locker · storage locker



In grammar, the different forms (inflections) taken by nouns, pronouns, and adjectives depending on their function in a sentence. English is a language with four inflections; most words have no more than two forms. For example, six pronouns have one form when they are the subject of the verb, and a different form when they are either objects of the verb or governed by a preposition. The six are: I/me, he/him, we/us, they/them, who/whom. In “I like cats”, I is the subject of the sentence. In “Cats hate me”, me is the object. Latin has 6 cases, and Hungarian more than 25.
1. A portable container for carrying several objects.
2. A glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home; SYN. display case, showcase.
3. The quantity contained in a case; SYN. caseful.
4. A cover for a pillow; SYN. pillowcase, slip, pillow slip.
5. The actual state of things.
6. A specific state of mind that is temporary.
7. A problem (usually legal) requiring investigation.
8. A statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument.
9. An occurrence of something; SYN. instance, example.
10. Nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence; SYN. grammatical case.
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caseful · casing · causa · cause · character · display case · eccentric · event · example · grammatical case · guinea pig · instance · lawsuit · pillow slip · pillowcase · sheath · shell · showcase · slip · subject · suit · type · vitrine + prikaži više



1. The enclosing frame around a door or window opening; SYN. case.
2. The outermost covering of a pneumatic tire.

case · shell



ETYM French châssis.
1. A metal mounting for the circuit components of an electronic device.
2. Steel frame supported on springs that holds the body and motor of a motor vehicle.
3. A metal frame on which electronic components, such as printed circuit boards, fans, and power supplies, are mounted. See the illustration.

anatomy · bod · build · figure · flesh · form · frame · human body · material body · physical body · physique · shape · soma + prikaži više



(Homonym: corps).
1. The center of an object.
2. The central part of the earth.
3. The region of a nuclear reactor containing the fissile mater
ial where the reaction takes place.
4. A small group of indispensable persons or things; SYN. nucleus, core group.
5. A rod of magnetic material (as soft iron) that passes through a coil and serves to increase the inductance of the coil.
6. A cylindrical sample of soil or rock obtained with a hollow drill.
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CORE · Congress of Racial Equality · burden · center · core group · effect · essence · gist · heart · heart and soul · inwardness · kernel · marrow · meat · nitty-gritty · nub · nucleus · pith · substance · sum + prikaži više



1. A protective cover for a mechanical part.
2. Housing collectively; structures in which people are housed; SYN. lodging.

caparison · living accommodations · lodging · trapping



1. A collection of things wrapped or boxed together; SYN. bundle, packet, parcel.
2. A wrapped container; SYN. parcel.

bundle · computer software · packet · parcel · software · software packag · software program · software system + prikaži više

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