terrain prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

terrain | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Sol. Un terrain calcaire.
2. Parcelle. Un terrain ŕ bâtir.
3. Espace. Un terrain de sport.
4. Milieu. Un terrain favorable ŕ la maladie.
5. Au contact des gens. Un homme de terrain.

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Enclosed area of land used for farming. Traditionally fields were measured in acres; the current unit of measurement is the hectare (2.47 acres). In the Middle Ages, the farmland of an English rural community was often divided into three large fields (the open-field system). These were worked on a simple rotation basis of one year wheat, one year barley, and one year fallow. The fields were divided into individually owned strips of the width that one plow team with oxen could plow (about 20 m/66 ft). At the end of each strip would be a turning space, either a road or a headland. Through repeated plowing a ridge-and-furrow pattern became evident. A farmer worked a number of strips, not necessarily adjacent to each other, in one field. The open-field communities were subsequently reorganized, the land enclosed, and the farmers' holdings redistributed into individual blocks which were then divided into separate fields. This enclosure process reached its peak during the 18th century. 20th-century developments in agricultural science and technology have encouraged farmers to amalgamate and enlarge their fields, often to as much as 40 hectares/100 acres.
The open field system was also found in France, Germany, Greece, and Slavonic lands.
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ETYM Old Eng. ground, grund, as. grund; akin to Dutch grond, os., German, Swed., and Dan. grund, Icel. grunnr bottom, Goth. grundus (in composition); perh. orig. meaning, dust, gravel, and if so perh. akin to Eng. grind.
1. The earth; soil.
2. A solid basis upon which something is constructed (literally or figuratively).
3. A position to be won or defended in battle (or as if in battle).
4. A relatively neutral area extending back of the figure on which attention is focused; SYN. background, backdrop.
5. (Art) The surface (as a wall or canvas) prepared to take the paint for a painting.
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background · basis · dry land · earth · flat coat · footing · land · primer · primer coat · priming · priming coat · reason · soil · solid ground · terra firma · undercoat + prikaži više



ETYM as. hlot; akin to hleótan to cast lots, os. hlôt lot, Dutch lot, German loos, Old High Germ. lôz, Icel. hlutr, Swed. lott, Dan. lod, Goth. hlauts. Related to Allot, Lotto, Lottery.
A parcel of land having fixed boundaries.

Lot · band · batch · bunch · caboodle · circle · circumstances · deal · destiny · draw · fate · flock · fortune · good deal · great deal · hatful · heap · luck · mass · mess · mickle · mint · muckle · peck · pile · plenty · portion · pot · quite a little · raft · set · sight · slew · spate · stack · tidy sum · wad · whole lot · whole sle + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. pich, as. pic, Latin pix.
1. Any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue; SYN. tar.
2. The action or manner of throwing something.
3. The throwing of a base
ball by a pitcher to a batter; SYN. delivery.
4. The property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration.
5. Degree of deviation from a horizontal plane; SYN. rake, slant.
6. A high approach shot in golf; SYN. pitch shot.
7. (British) A vendor's position (especially on the sidewalk).
8. An all-fours card game in which the first card led is a trump; SYN. auction pitch.
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auction pitch · delivery · lurch · pitch shot · pitching · rake · sales pitch · sales talk · slant · tar + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. proprete, Old Fren. propreté property, French propreté neatness, cleanliness, propriété property, from Latin proprietas. Related to Proper, Propriety.
1. A basic or essential attribute shared by all members of a class.
2. A construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished; SYN. attribute, dimension.
3. Any movable ar
ticles or objects used on the set of a play or movie; SYN. prop.
4. Any tangible possession that is owned by someone; SYN. belongings, holding, material possession.
The right to title and to control the use of a thing (such as land, a building, a work of art, or a computer program). In US law, a distinction is made between real property, which involves a degree of geographical fixity, and personal property, which does not.
Property is never absolute, since any society places limits on an individual's property (such as the right to transfer that property to another). Different societies have held widely varying interpretations of the nature of property and the extent of the rights of the owner to that property.
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attribute · belongings · dimension · holding · material possession · place · prop + prikaži više



A piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential



ETYM Latin territorium, from terra the earth: cf. French territoire. Related to Terrace.
1. A territorial possession controlled by a ruling state; SYN. dominion, territorial dominion, province, mandate, colony.
2. An area of knowledge or interes
In animal behavior, a fixed area from which an animal or group of animals excludes other members of the same species. Animals may hold territories for many different reasons; for example, to provide a constant food supply, to monopolize potential mates, or to ensure access to refuges or nest sites.
The size of a territory depends in part on its function: some nesting and mating territories may be only a few square meters, whereas feeding territories may be as large as hundreds of square kilometers.
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district · dominio · soil · territorial dominion

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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muški rod, sport
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