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ženski rod

1. Ce qui reste en terre d'un arbre coupé.
2. Racines.
3. Origine. La souche de la famille.
4. Talon. Un carnet ŕ souches.

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ETYM French origine, Latin origo, -iginis, from oriri to rise, become visible; akin to Greek ornynai to stir up, rouse, Skr. or, and perh. to Eng. run.
1. An event that is a beginnin
g; a first part or stage of subsequent events; SYN. origination, genesis, inception.
2. Properties attributable to one's ancestry; SYN. descent, extraction.
3. The point of intersection of coordinate axes; where the values of the coordinates are all zero.
In mathematics, the point where the x axis meets the y axis. The coordinates of the origin are (0,0).
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Root or part of a root used for plant propagation; especially that part of a grafted plant that supplies the roots.
Another name for rhizome, an underground plant organ.

rhizome · rootstalk



1. An intense or violent exertion; SYN. straining, stress.
2. Injury to a muscle (often caused by overuse); results in swelling and pain.
3. (Physics) Deformation of a physical body under the action of applied forces.
4. Nervousness
resulting from mental stress; SYN. mental strain, nervous strain.
The ratio of the change in length to the initial unstressed reference length.
In the science of materials, the extent to which a body is distorted when a deforming force (stress) is applied to it. It is a ratio of the extension or compression of that body (its length, area, or volume) to its original dimensions (see Hooke's law. For example, linear strain is the ratio of the change in length of a body to its original length.
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ETYM Old Eng. stumpe, stompe; akin to Dutch stomp, German stumpf, Icel. stumpr, Dan. and Swed. stump, and perhaps also to Eng. stamp.
1. Cricket: any of three upright wooden sticks that form the wick
2. The base part of a tree that remains standing after the tree has been felled; SYN. tree stump.
3. The part of a limb or tooth that remains after the rest is removed.
Low outcrop of rock formed by the erosion of a coastal stack. Unlike a stack, which is exposed at all times, a stump is exposed only at low tide. Eventually it will be worn away completely, leaving a wave-cut platform.
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