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(Homonym: brake)
(Irregular preterit, past participle: broke, broken)
1. To divide into pieces, as by bending or cutting
2. To become punctured or penetrated or separated into pieces; SYN. separate, split up, fall apart, come apart.
3. To break a piece from a whole; SYN. break off, snap off.
4. To destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments
5. To go to pieces; to stop operating; SYN. wear, wear out, bust, fall apart.
6. To stop and wait, as if awaiting further inst
ructions or developments; SYN. hold on, stop.
7. To change suddenly from one tone quality or register to another
8. To come forth or begin from a state of latency
9. To scatter or part
10. To render inoperable or ineffective
11. To diminish or discontinue abruptly
12. To cause to give up a habit
13. To exchange for smaller units of money
14. To curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves
15. To stop or interrupt
16. To vary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity
17. To weaken or destroy in spirit or body.
18. To cause the failure or ruin of
19. (Pool) To make the opening shot that scatters the balls, in billiards or pool.
20. Said of the male voice in puberty
21. To move away or escape suddenly; SYN. break out, break away.
22. To invalidate by judicial action
23. To happen or take place; (informal).
24. To be crushed in spirit; to be suddenly and completely demoralized
25. To be released or become known; of news; SYN. get out, get around.
26. To come to an end
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bankrupt · better · breach · break apart · break away · break dance · break down · break in · break off · break out · break through · break up · break-dance · bring out · bump · bump off · burst · bust · bust up · cave in · check · collapse · come apart · conk out · crack · damp · dampen · demote · develop · die · disclose · discontinue · discover · divulge · erupt · expose · fail · fall apart · fall in · founder · fracture · get around · get out · give · give away · give out · give way · go · go against · go bad · impart · infract · intermit · interrupt · kick downstairs · let on · let ou · offend · part · pause · recrudesce · relegate · reveal · ruin · separate · smash · snap off · soften · split · split up · stop · transgress · unwrap · violate · weaken · wear · wear away · wear off · wear out + prikaži više



1. To declare void and nul; make ineffective.
2. To make up for; SYN. offset, set off.
3. Said of cheques or tickets: to invalidate.
To postpone indefinitely or annul something that was scheduled; SYN. call off.
In mathematics, to simplify a fraction or ratio by dividing both numerator and denominator by the same number (which must be a common factor of both of them). For example, 5x/25 cancels to x/5 when divided top and bottom by 5.
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