réelle prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

réelle | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Qui existe.
2. Matériel.
3. Véritable.

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srpski · nemački



ETYM Old Eng. actuel, French actuel, Latin actualis, from agere to do, act.
1. Being or existing at the present moment.
2. Being or reflec
ting the essential or genuine character of something; SYN. genuine, literal, real.
3. Of the nature of fact; having actual existence; SYN. factual.
4. Presently existing in fact and not merely potential or possible; SYN. existent.
5. Taking place in reality; not pretended or imitated.
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actualised · actualized · current · de facto · effective · existent · factual · genuine · literal · real · true + prikaži više



ETYM Late Lat. realis, from Latin res, rei, a thing: cf. French réel. Related to Rebus.
(Homonym: reel).
1. Not synthetic or spurious; of real or natural origin; SYN. true.
2. Be
ing or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory;SYN. existent.
3. Possible to be treated as fact; SYN. tangible.
4. Founded on practical matters.
5. Not to be taken lightly.
6. No less than what is stated; worthy of the name.
7. (Of property) Fixed or immovable.
8. (Economics) Being value measured in terms of purchasing power.
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actual · concrete · echt · existent · factual · genuine · historical · literal · material · proper · realistic · serious · sincere · substantial · tangible · true · veridical + prikaži više



1. Consistent with fact or reality; not false
2. Reliable as a basis for action
3. Having a legally established claim; SYN. lawful, rightful.
4. Rightly so
5. Devoted (sometimes fanatically) to a cause or concept of truth
6. Accurately placed or thrown; SYN. dead on target.
7. Accurately fitted; level; SYN. straight.
8. Determined with reference to the earth's axis rather than the magnetic poles
9. (Biology) Conforming to the definitive criteria of a natural group
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