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bas · canaille · commun · faubourien · grossier · populacier · trivial · truand · vulgaire + prikaži više
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(Homonym: lo).
1. Being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension.
2. Less than normal in degree or intensity or amount.
3. Unrefined in character.
4. Used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency; SYN. low-pitched.
5. Very low in volume; SYN. low-toned.

abject · alto · baritone · bass · blue · broken · contemptible · contrabass · contralto · crushed · debased · deep · deficient · degraded · dejected · depleted · depressed · devalued · dispirited · double-bass · down · down in the mouth · downcast · downhearted · first · flat-growing · forward · ground-hugging · humble · humbled · humiliated · inferior · insufficient · low-altitude · low-down · low-growing · low-level · low-lying · low-pitched · low-set · low-spirited · low-toned · lowly · lowset · miserable · modest · nether · reduced · rock-bottom · scummy · scurvy · short · small · soft · squat · throaty · under · underslung · unrefined + prikaži više



ETYM Latin vulgaris, from vulgus the multitude, the common people; of uncertain origin: cf. French vulgaire. Related to Divulge.
1. Of or pertaining to the mass, or multitude, of peop
le; common; general; ordinary; public; hence, in general use; vernacular.
2. Belonging or relating to the common people, as distinguished from the cultivated or educated; pertaining to common life; plebeian; not select or distinguished.
3. Lacking cultivation or refinement; rustic; boorish; also, offensive to good taste or refined feelings; low; coarse; mean; base.
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coarse · common · crude · earthy · gross · indecent · informal · lowborn · plebeian · rough-cut · uncouth · unrefined · unwashed · vernacular + prikaži više

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