(Homonym: blew).
1. Having a color similar to that of a clear unclouded sky; SYN. bluish, blueish, light-blue, dark-blue.
2. Characterized by or marked with a bluish color.
3. Tinged with blue or purple from cold or contusion; SYN. bluish, blueish.
4. Wearing blue.
5. Suggestive of sexual impropriety; SYN. gamy, gamey, juicy, naughty, racy, risque, spicy.
6. Used to signify the Union forces in the Civil War (who wore blue uniforms).
7. Low in spirits; SYN. depressed, dispirited, down, downcast, downhearted, low, low-spirited.
8. Morally rigorous and strict; SYN. puritan, puritanic, puritanical.
9. Causing dejection; SYN. dark, depressing, disconsolate, dismal, dispiriting, gloomy, grim.
Množina: blues
1. The color associated with the clear sky in the daytime; SYN. blueness.
2. Blue clothing.
3. Any organization or party whose uniforms or badges are blue.
4. Any of numerous small chiefly blue butterflies of the family Lycaenidae.
To turn blue.