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1. Nation. La défense du pays.
2. Région. Le pays breton.
3. Localité. Habiter un petit pays.

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ETYM French contrée, Late Lat. contrata, from Latin contra over against, on the opposite side. Related to Counter, Contra.
1. An area outside of cities and towns; SYN. rural area.
2. The territory occupied by a nation; SYN. state, land, nation.

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ETYM as. land, lond; akin to Dutch, German, Icel., Swed., Dan., and Goth. land.
1. The land on which real estate is located.
2. The solid part of the earth's surface; SYN. dry land, earth, ground,
solid ground, terra firma.
3. What plants grow in (especially with reference to its quality or use); SYN. ground, soil.
In economics, the factor of production which comprises not just land itself but all natural resources. Shoals of fish, natural forests, the atmosphere, and rivers are examples of land. The reward paid to owners of land is rent.
(plural Länder) Federal state of Germany or Austria.
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Din Land · Edwin Herbert Land · Land · acres · body politic · commonwealth · country · demesne · domain · dry land · earth · estate · farming · ground · kingdom · landed estate · nation · realm · res publica · soil · solid ground · state · terra firma + prikaži više



ETYM French nation, Latin natio nation, race, orig., a being born, from natus, p. p. of nasci, to be born, for gnatus, gnasci, from the same root as Eng. kin. Related to Kin kindred, and cf. Cognate, Natal, Native.
1. A federation of tribes (especially native American tribes).
2. The people of a nation or country or a community of persons bound by a common heritage; SYN. nationality, land, country, a people.
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ETYM Old Eng. realme, ream, reaume, Old Fren. reialme, roialme, French royaume, from (assumed) Late Lat. regalimen, from Latin regalis royal. Related to Regal.
1. A royal jurisdiction or domain; a region which is under the dominion of a king; a kingdom.
2. Hence, in general, province; region; country; domain; department; division.

domain · kingdom · land · region



ETYM French région, from Latin regio a direction, a boundary line, region, from regere to guide, direct. Related to Regimen.<br /> 1. A large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth.
2. The approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in 'in the region of'); SYN. neighborhood.
3. The extended spatial location of something; SYN. part.
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