fortuné prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

fortuné | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Heureux ; qui a de la chance.
2. Qui a de la fortune.

aisé · argenté · chanceux · cossu · faste · favorisé · haut · heureux · huppé · nanti · opulent · possédant · privilégié · prospère · riche · veinard · verni + prikaži više
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ETYM Latin fortunatus, p. p. of fortunare to make fortunate or prosperous, from fortuna. Related to Fortune.
1. Having unexpected good fortune.
2. Presaging good fortune; SYN. hopeful, rosy.



1. Blessed with good fortune
2. Having or bringing good fortune

apotropaic · favorable · favourable · fortunate · golden · hot · propitious · prosperous · serendipitous + prikaži više



1. Having an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances (especially natural resources)
2. Possessing material wealth
3. Suggesti
ve of or characterized by great expense
4. Of great worth or quality
5. Pleasantly full and mellow
6. Highly seasoned or containing large amounts of choice ingredients such as butter or sugar or eggs
7. (Metallurgy; chemistry) High in mineral content
8. Very productive
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abundant · affluent · ample · colorful · colourful · comfortable · copious · deep · deluxe · easy · fat · fertile · flush · fruitful · full · full-bodied · gilded · grand · lavish · loaded · lucullan · lush · luxurious · moneyed · opulent · plenteous · plentiful · plush · plushy · princely · privileged · productive · prosperous · racy · robust · sumptuous · tasty · unwholesome · valuable · wealthy · well-fixed · well-heeled · well-off · well-situated · well-to-do + prikaži više



Obtained or characterized by serendipity

fortune | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Richesse. Amasser une fortune.
2. Chance.
3. Sort.
4. Hasard. Les coups de la fortune.

abondance · argent · avenir · aventure · avoir · bien · biens · bonheur · capital · chance · destin · destinée · enrichissement · fait · fatalité · galette · goélette · grandeur · hasard · incertitude · issue · luxe · meuble · opulence · patrimoine · prospérité · quibus · ressource · richesse · risque · réussite · saint-frusquin · situation · sort · succès · trésor · vie · état · étoile + prikaži više
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ETYM Old Fren. estat, French état, Latin status, from stare to stand. Related to Stand, State.
(medieval history) In European history, an order of society that enjoyed a specified share in government. In medieval theory, there were usually three estates—the nobility, the clergy, and the commons—with the functions of, respectively, defending society from foreign aggression and internal disorder, attending to its
spiritual needs, and working to produce the base with which to support the other two orders.
When parliaments and representative assemblies developed from the 13th century, their organization reflected this theory, with separate houses for the nobility, the commons (usually burghers and gentry), and the clergy. The fourth estate is the press; the term was coined in the 18th century by the British politician Edmund Burke.
1. A major social class or order of persons regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country and formerly possessing distinct political rights; SYN. estate of the realm.
2. All of one's assets (whether real or personal property) and liabilities.
3. Extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use; SYN. land, landed estate, acres, demesne.
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acres · demesne · estate of the realm · land · landed estate



ETYM French fortune, Latin fortuna; akin to fors, fortis, chance, prob. from ferre to bear, bring. Related to Bear to support, and cf. Fortuitous.
1. A large amount of wealth or prosperity.
2. One's overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you); SYN. destiny, fate, luck, lot, circumstances, portion.
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chance · circumstances · destiny · fate · hazard · lot · luck · portion + prikaži više



1. That which makes one rich; an abundance of land, goods, money, or other property; wealth; opulence; affluence.
2. That which appears rich, sumptuous, precious, or the like.



ETYM Old Eng. welthe, from wele; cf. Dutch weelde luxury. Related to Weal prosperity.
1. An abundance of material possessions and resources; SYN. riches.
2. Property that has economic utility: a monetary value or an exchange value.
3. The quality of profuse abundance.
4. The state of being rich and affluent; having a plentiful supply of material goods and money; SYN. wealthiness
In economics, the wealth of a nation is its stock of physical capital, human capital, and net financial capital owned overseas. Physical capital is the stock of buildings, factories, offices, machines, roads, and so on. Human capital is the work force; not just the number of workers, but also their stock of education and training which makes them productive. Net financial capital is the difference between the money value of assets owned by foreigners in the domestic economy and the assets owned by the country abroad.
For individuals, the most significant wealth they have is themselves and their ability to generate an income by working.
After that, the largest item of wealth is likely to be their house. Possessions, money, and insurance policies are other examples of individual wealth.
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riches · wealthiness
fortuné | francusko - engleski rečnik


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