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(1913-1993) German nuclear physicist. He made fundamental contributions to molecular beam spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and electron acceleration technology. In 1989 he shared the Nobel Prize for physics with US scientists Norman Ramsey and Hans Dehmelt, for his development of the ion trap, or Paul trap, used to store single atoms long enough to make useful measurements.
In 1957 he helped found the famous DESY accelerator laboratory in Hamburg. From 1964–67, Paul was director of the nuclear physics laboratory of CERN, the joint European laboratory for particle physics in Geneva.

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Wolfgang, 1913, 1993, dt. Experimentalphysiker; Arbeiten zur Atomphysik, Massenspektroskopie, Elementarteilchenphysik. Nobelpreis 1989.

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St (c. AD 3-c. AD 68) Christian missionary and martyr; in the New Testament, one of the apostles and author of 13 epistles. Originally opposed to Christianity, he took part in the stoning of St Stephen. He is said to have been converted by a vision on the road to Damascus. After his conversion he made great missionary journeys, for example to Philippi and Ephesus, becoming known as the Apostle of the Gentiles (non-Jews). His emblems are a sword and a book; feast day 29 June. /> The Jewish form of his name is Saul. He was born in Tarsus (now in Turkey), son of well-to-do Pharisees, and had Roman citizenship. On his return to Jerusalem after his missionary journeys, he was arrested, appealed to Caesar, and (as a citizen) was sent to Rome for trial about 57 or 59. After two years in prison, he may have been released before his final arrest and execution under the emperor Nero.
St Paul's theology was rigorous on such questions as sin and atonement, and his views on the role of women were adopted by the Christian church generally.
(1901-1964) King of the Hellenes (Greece) from 1947, when he succeeded his brother George II. He was the son of Constantine I. In 1938 he married Princess Frederika (1917–), daughter of the Duke of Brunswick.
A Christian missionary to the Gentiles; author of several Epistles in the New Testament; even though Paul was not present at the Last Supper he is considered an apostle.

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Adopted name of Lester Polfuss (1915-) US inventor of the solid-body electric guitar in the early 1940s. He was also a pioneer of recording techniques including overdubbing and electronic echo. The Gibson Les Paul guitar was first marketed 1952 (the first commercial solid-body guitar was made by Leo Fender). As a guitarist in the late 1940s and 1950s he recorded with the singer Mary Ford (1928–1977).

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(1891-1958) US author. His works include the novel Indelible 1922, about two young musicians, and the travel book The Narrow Street/The Last Time I Saw Paris 1940.

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City in Idaho (USA); zip code 83347.

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