(Irregular preterit, past participle: came, come).
1. To move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody; SYN. come up.
2. To cover a certain distance.
3. To reach a state, relation, or condition.
4. To be the product or result; SYN. follow.
5. To come to pass; arrive, as in due course.
6. To develop into; SYN. add up, amount.
7. To exist or occur in a certain point in a series.
8. To happen as a result.
9. To have a certain priority.
10. To be found or available.
11. To enter or assume a condition, relation, use, or position.
12. To extend or reach.
13. To experience orgasm.
14. To be received, as of news on the radio or television; SYN. come in.
1. Goűter. Jouir d'un plaisir.
2. Savourer. Jouir d'un succès.
3. Profiter de. Jouir d'une bonne santé.
4. (Intrans.) Connaître l'orgasme.
1. (Intrans.) Se diriger vers. Venez ŕ moi.
2. (Intrans.) Provenir. Il vient de loin.
3. (Intrans.) Arriver. La marée vient jusqu'ici.
4. (Intrans.) Apparaître. Le jour vient tôt.
5. (Intrans.) Se produire.
6. (Intrans.) Découler. De lŕ vient le mal.
7. (Intrans.) Pousser. Une plante qui vient bien.