Hail! značenje | engleski leksikon

Hail! značenje | engleski leksikon



Used to express acclamation.
Enthusiastic greeting.

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hail značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / heɪl /

Množina: hails


ETYM Old Eng. hail, hayel, AS. haegel, hagol; akin to Dutch, German, Dan., and Swed. hagel; Icel. hagl; cf. Greek kachlex pebble.
(Homonym: hale).
Precipitation of ice pellets when there are strong
rising air currents.
Precipitation in the form of pellets of ice (hailstones). It is caused by the circulation of moisture in strong convection currents, usually within cumulonimbus clouds.
Water droplets freeze as they are carried upward. As the circulation continues, layers of ice are deposited around the droplets until they become too heavy to be supported by the currents and they fall as a hailstorm.

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hail značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / heɪl /

ETYM Old Eng. hailen, heilen, Icel. heill hale, sound, used in greeting. Related to Hale sound.
(Homonym: hale).
1. To greet enthusiastically.
2. To call for, as of cabs.
3. To precipitate as small ice particles.

acclaim · come · herald
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Još sličnih reči

Hail! | Hailey | HAL | hale | Haley | hall | hallah | Halle | Halley | hallo | Hallo! | halloo | hallow | halo | haole | haul | Hauula | Hawley | he'll | heal | Healy | heel | HEL | heli | helio | Hell | Helle | hello | Hello! | helo | Hialeah | hill | hilly | Hilo | hole | holey | Holley | hollo | Hollo! | hollow | holly | holo | holy | howl | hoyle | Huila | hula | hule | hull

Reč dana 26.01.2025.

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