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muški rod

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1. A dense crowd of people; SYN. jam, press.
2. The act of crushing; SYN. crunch, compaction.

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ETYM Old Eng. juse, French jus broth, gravy, juice, Latin jus; akin to Skr. yűsha.
1. Any of several liquids of the body; SYN. succus.
2. The liquid part that can be extracted from fruits and vegetables.




Flavorful relish or dressing or topping served as an accompaniment to food.
Food preparation that usually is liquid or so
ft, taken as a relish. Nutritionally sauces add little to the diet unless used in large quantities. Sugar is a major ingredient in chutney, French dressing, and tomato ketchup. Other sauces are white sauce and salad cream. Mayonnaise has a high fat content. + prikaži više

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muški rod

1. med. Poremećaj u radu (funkcionisanju) nekog organa mehaničkim ili psihičkim uticajem, npr. nesvestica posle dobivene rane i operacije (traumatičan šok); uzetost posle velikog straha i dr. duševnih potresa (psihički šok);
2. voj. Žestok napad konjice na konjicu hladnim oružjem.

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shell shock


Or combat neurosis or battle fatigue; Any of the various forms of mental disorder that affect soldiers exposed to heavy explosions or extreme stress. Shell shock was first diagnosed during World War i.
At first thought to be a physical condition due to blast and carbon monoxide poisoning, it was r
ealised during the course of World War I that the symptoms—mental confusion or frenzied terror—were neurotic in origin, similar to those found after civil accidents such as train wrecks or factory explosions. Most soldiers returned to normal after a rest away from the front line, but some never recovered and exhibited peculiarities of gait, hysterical loss of voice or sight, paralysis of limbs, and other symptoms.
Following the Vietnam War, many veterans were found to be suffering from post-traumatic shock syndrome, in which recurring “flashbacks” to combat experiences torment the sufferer.
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In medicine, circulatory failure marked by a sudden fall of blood pressure and resulting in pallor, sweating, fast (but weak) pulse, and sometimes complete collapse. Causes include disease, injury, and psychological trauma.
In shock, the blood pressure falls below that necessary to supply the tissues of the body, especially the brain. Treatment depends on the cause. Rest
is needed, and, in the case of severe blood loss, restoration of the normal circulating volume.
1. Any violent blow or collision; SYN. concussion.
2. The violent interaction of individuals or groups entering into combat; SYN. impact.
3. An unpleasant or disappointing surprise; SYN. blow.
4. (Pathology) Bodily collapse or near collapse caused by inadequate oxygen delivery to the cells; caused by loss of circulating blood or cardiac arrest or obstruction or poor distribution of the blood flow.
5. A bushy thick mass (especially hair)
6. A pile of sheaves of grain set on end in a field to dry; stalks of Indian corn set up in a field.
7. An instance of agitation of the earth's crust; SYN. seismic disturbance.
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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja