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Type genus of the family Accipitridae; Also called: genus Accipiter. A kind of hawk, one of genus Accipiter. Any of a genus (Accipiter) of medium-sized forest-inhabiting hawks that have short broad wings and a long tail and a characteristic flight pattern of several quick flaps and a glide.

Accipiter · genus Accipiter



Any of various long-legged carion-eating hawks of South and Central America.
Any of various large long-legged hawks found from the southern United States to South America that are classified with the falcons.


Cooper's hawk


Bluish-gray North American hawk having a darting flight; Also called: blue darter, Accipiter cooperii.

Accipiter cooperii · Cooper's hawk · blue darter



ETYM Old Eng. faucon, faucoun, Old Fren. faucon, falcon, faucon, from Late Lat. falco, perh. from Latin falx, falcis, a sickle or scythe, and named from its curving talons. Related to Falchion.
Diurnal birds of prey having long pointed powerful wings adapted for swift flight.
Any bird of prey of the genus Falco, family Falconidae, order Falconiformes. Falcons are the smallest of the hawks (
15–60 cm/6–24 in). They nest in high places and kill their prey by “stooping” (swooping down at high speed). They include the peregrine and kestrel.
The peregrine falcon F. peregrinus, up to about 50 cm/1.8 ft long, has become reestablished in North America and Britain after near extinction (by pesticides, gamekeepers, and egg collectors). When stooping on its intended prey, it is the fastest creature in the world, timed at 240 kph/150 mph.
Other hawks include the worldwide merlin or pigeon hawk F. columbarius and the Eurasian kestrel F. tinnunculus. Merlins are about 30 cm/1 ft in length, steel-blue above and reddish below, and nest on moors. Kestrels are just over 30 cm/1 ft long, with gray head and tail, light chestnut back with black spots, and an unmistakeable quivering hover.
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ETYM AS. goshafuc, lit., goosehawk; or Icel. gâshaukr. Related to Goose, and Hawk the bird.
Large hawk of Eura
sia and North America used in falconry; SYN. Accipiter gentilis.
Or northern goshawk; Woodland hawk Accipiter gentilis that is similar in appearance to the peregrine falcon, but with shorter wings and legs. It is used in falconry.
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Any of various small to medium-sized birds of prey of the family Accipitridae, other than eagles, kites, ospreys, and vultures.
The name is us
ed especially to describe the genera Accipiter and Buteo. Hawks have short, rounded wings compared with falcons, and keen eyesight.
1. An advocate of an aggressive policy on foreign relations; SYN. war hawk.
2. Diurnal bird of prey typically having short rounded wings and a long tail.
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mortarboard · war hawk



Any of several small graceful hawks of the family Accipitridae having long pointed wings and feeding on insects and small animals.
One of about 20 birds of prey in the family Accipitridae, found in all parts of the world.

Kites have long, pointed wings and, usually, a forked tail. North America has five species, including the American swallow-tailed kite Elanoides forficartus of the SE US, which catches insects in flight as well as dropping down on snakes and lizards.
North America has five species, including the American swallow-tailed kite Elanoides forficartus of the SE US, which catches insects in flight as well as dropping down on snakes and lizards.
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British; kestrel

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