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muški rodgramatika

freiwilliger Zusammenschluß von Personen, die unter gemeinschaftl. Namen einen bestimmten Zweck verfolgen. Auf den nicht-rechtsfähige V., dere nicht ins Vereinsregister eingetragen ist, finden die Regeln der Gesellschaft bürgerl. Rechts Anwendung; dagegen ist der eingetragene V. eine jurist. Person.
Untertypus der rechtl. Personenvereinigung zur Erreichung gemeinsamer Zwecke, dessen Geschäftsführung u. Vertretung bes. Organen übertragen ist (körperschaftl. Verfassung). Nach ihrem Zweck gibt es z.B. polit., religiöse, kulturelle, gesellschaftl., sportl. u. wirtsch. V. Nach der Rechtsform gehören hierher außer dem eingetragenen V. u. dem nichtrechtsfähigen V. bes. AG, GmbH u. eingetragene Genossenschaft.

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ETYM Cf. French association, Late Lat. associatio, from Latin associare.
1. A formal organization of people.
2. Any process of combination (i
n solution) that depend on relatively weak chemical bonding.
3. The act of consorting with or joining with others.
4. The process of bringing ideas or events together in memory or imagination; SYN. connection, connexion.
5. The state of being connected together as in memory or imagination.
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ETYM Cf. Icel. klubba, klumba, club, klumbufôir a clubfoot, SW. klubba club, Dan. klump lump, klub a club, German klumpen clump, kolben club, and Eng. clump.
1. A formal association of people with similar interests; SYN. society, guild, gild, lodge, order.
2. A playing card in the minor suit of clubs (having one or more black trefoils on it).
3. Stout stick that is larger at one end.
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ETYM Latin societas, from socius a companion: cf. French société. Related to Social.
1. An extended social group having a distinctive cultural and economic organization.r /> 2. The fashionable elite; SYN. high society, beau monde, smart set, bon ton.
The organization of people into communities or groups. Social science, in particular sociology, is the study of human behavior in a social context. Various aspects of society are discussed under class, community, culture, kinship, norms, role, socialization, and status.
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ETYM French, from Latin unio oneness, union, a single large pearl, a kind of onion, from unus one. Related to One, Onion, Unit.
1. The state of being united.
2. Making or becoming a single unit; SYN. unification, uniting.
3. The occurrence of a uniting of separate parts.

4. An organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer; SYN. labor union, trade union, trades union, brotherhood.
5. A set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets; SYN. sum, join.
6. A political unit formed from previously independent people or organizations.
7. A device on a national flag emblematic of the union of two or more sovereignties (typically in the upper inner corner).
A form of pipe fitting where two extension pipes are joined at a separable coupling.
Association of workers, see trade union.
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