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muški rodgramatika

Zustand eines Systems oder Situation bei der Abarbeitung eines Programms oder Programmelements.
Stand, Zustand, Rang.
Zustand, Rechtslage. Stellung, Vermögens- oder Familienstand; soziale Position, Rang.

Befindlichkeit · Konstitution · Stand · Verfassung · Zustand · Fall · Gegebenheit · Konstellation · Sachverhalt · Stand der Dinge · Umstand · Position · (aktueller) Stand der Dinge · Sachstand + prikaži više
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1 A premise upon which the fulfillment of an agreement depends; stipulation.
2. A provision making the effect of a legal instrument contingent upon an uncertain event; also; the event itself.
3. Something essenti
al to the appearance or occurrence of something else; prerequisite: as an environmental requirement; the subordinate clause of a conditional sentence.
4. A restricting or modifying factor; qualification.
5. An unsatisfactory academic grade that may be raised by doing additional work.
6. A state of being.
7. Social status; rank; a usually defective state of health.
8. A state of physical fitness or readiness for use.
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circumstance · consideration · experimental condition · precondition · shape · status · stipulation · term + prikaži više



1. A politically organized body of people under a single government; SYN. nation, country, land, commonwealth, res publica, body politic.
2. The territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation; SYN. province.
3. The group of people comprising the government of a sovereign state
4. The way something is with respect to its main attributes
5. (Informal) A state of depression or agitation
Territory that forms its own domestic and foreign policy, acting through laws that are typically decided by a government and carried out, by force if necessary, by agents of that government. It can be argued that growth of regional international bodie
s such as the European Union (formerly the European Community) means that states no longer enjoy absolute sovereignty.
Although most states are members of the United Nations, this is not a completely reliable criterion: some are not members by choice, like Switzerland; some have been deliberately excluded, like Taiwan; and some are members but do not enjoy complete national sovereignty. The classic definition of a state is given by R M MacIver (The Modern State 1926): “An association which, acting through law as promulgated by a government endowed to this end with coercive power, maintains within a community territorially demarcated the universal external conditions of social order.” There are four essential elements in this definition: that people have formed an association to create and preserve social order; that the community comprising the state is clearly defined in territorial terms; that the government representing the people acts according to promulgated laws; and that it has power to enforce these laws.
Today, the state is seen as the nation state so that any community that has absolute sovereignty over a specific area is a state. Thus the so-called states of the us, which are to some degree subject to the will of the federal government, are not states in international terms, nor are colonial or similar possessions, which, too, are subject to an overriding authority.
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Department of State · DoS · State · State Department · United States Department of State · body politic · commonwealth · country · land · nation · province · res publica · state of matter + prikaži više



ETYM Latin.
(Irregular plural: statuses).
The relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society; SYN. position.
Esteem in which he or she is held by others in society. Both within and between most occupations or social positions there is a status hierarchy. Status symbols, such as insignia of office or a
n expensive automobile, often accompany high status.
The two forms of social prestige may be separate or interlinked. Formal social status is attached to a certain social position, occupation, role, or office. Informal social status is based on an individual’s own personal talents, skills, or personality. Sociologists distinguish between ascribed status, which is bestowed by birth, and achieved status, the result of one’s own efforts.
The German sociologist Max Weber analyzed social stratification in terms of three separate but interlinked dimensions: class, status, and power. Status is seen as a key influence on human behavior, on the way people evaluate themselves and others.
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