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ETYM From French attique, orig. meaning Attic. Related to Attic.
1. Informal terms for a human head; SYN. bean, noodle, noggin.
2. (Architecture) A low wall at the top of the entablature; hides the roof.

Attic · Classical Greek · bean · bonce · dome · garret · loft · noggin · noodle + prikaži više



ETYM Latin, one who raises up, a deliverer: cf. French élévateur.
Any mechanical device for raising or lowering people or materials. It usually consists of a platform or boxlike structure suspended by motor-driven cables with safety ratchets along the sides of the shaft. US inventor Elisha Graves Otis
developed the first passenger safety elevator 1852, installed 1857. This invention permitted the development of skyscrapers from the 1880s. At first steam powered the movement, but hydraulic and then electric elevators were common from the early 1900s. Elevator operators worked controls and gates within the cab until the automatic, or self-starter, was introduced.
1. A platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building; SYN. lift.
2. The control surface on the tailplane of an aircraft that makes it ascend or descend.
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ETYM Latin granarium, from granum grain. Related to Garner.
A storehouse for threshed grain or animal feed; SYN. garner.


hot water tank




ETYM Old Fren. lardier. Related to Lard.
A supply of food especially for a household.

buttery · pantry



ETYM Icel. lopt air, heaven, loft, upper room; akin to as. lyft air, German luft, Dan. loft loft, Goth. luftus air. Related to Lift.r /> 1. A large unpartitioned space over a factory or warehouse or other commercial space.
2. A raised shelter in which pigeons are kept; SYN. pigeon loft.
3. An open space at the top of a house just below roof; often used for storage; SYN. attic, garret.
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attic · garret · pigeon loft



ETYM Old Eng. memorie, Old Fren. memoire, memorie, French mémoire, Latin memoria, from memor mindful; cf. mora delay. Related to Demur, Martyr, Memoir, Remember.
Ability to store and recall observations and sensations. Memory does not seem to be based in any particular part of the brain; it may depend on changes to the pathways followed by nerve impulses as they move through the brain. Memory can be improved by regular use as the connections between nerve cells (neurons)
become “well-worn paths” in the brain. Events stored in short-term memory are forgotten quickly, whereas those in long-term memory can last for many years, enabling recall of information and recognition of people and places over long periods of time.
Short-term memory is the most likely to be impaired by illness or drugs whereas long-term memory is very resistant to such damage. Memory changes with age and otherwise healthy people may experience a natural decline after the age of about 40. Research is just beginning to uncover the biochemical and electrical bases of the human memory.1. The power of retaining and recalling past experience; SYN. retention, retentiveness.
2. Something that is remembered.
3. The area of cognitive psychology that studies memory processes.
4. The cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered; SYN. remembering.
5. An electronic memory device; SYN. storage, store, memory board.
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computer memory · computer storage · memory board · remembering · retention · retentiveness · retentivity · storage · store + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. pantrie, French paneterie, from panetier pantler, Late Lat. panetarius baker, panetus small loaf of bread, Latin panis bread. Related to Company, Pannier, Pantler.
A small room for storing foods or wines; SYN. larder, buttery.

buttery · larder



ETYM French réservoir, from Late Lat. reservatorium. Related to Reservatory.
1. A lake used to store water for community use; SYN. artificial lake.
2. A large or extra supply of something.
3. A tank used for collecting and storing a liquid (as water or oil).



ETYM French.
1. A cylindrical tower used for storing silage.
2. An underground structure where ballistic missiles can be stored
and fired.
Storage pit or building for silage.
In farming, an airtight tower in which silage is made by the fermentation of freshly cut grass and other forage crops. In military technology, a silo is an underground chamber for housing and launching a ballistic missile.
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1. The act of storing something.
2. The commercial enterprise of storing goods and materials.

computer memory · computer storage · depot · entrepot · memory · memory board · repositing · reposition · store · storehouse · warehousing + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. stor, stoor, Old Fren. estor, provisions, supplies, from estorer to store. Related to Store.
Or shop; A building or part of a building used for the retail sale of goods. Roman stoae were market stalls enclosed by an arcaded walkway; stores changed little from ancient times until the latter part of the 19th century, when concentration of population and greater availability of manufactured goods gave rise to the department store, in effect a number of small specialty shops unde
r one roof, and to the chain store and the supermarket.
With the spread of chain stores to several cities, all having the same ownership, the relationship between retailers and manufacturers changed. Direct links with factories bypassed middlemen (wholesalers) and lowered costs, in some cases forcing small independent stores to focus on narrow specialties not otherwise available. In the 1970s in the US, to coincide with the population shift out of urban centers, enclosed shopping malls of up to 250 specialty stores, anchored by at least one large department store, were constructed in many suburban areas. These “controlled shopping environments” have music, free parking, movie theaters, restaurants, and, in some instances, even child-care facilities. The idea has been adopted in the UK and elsewhere, although resistance is rising from those who wish to preserve the viability of downtown (urban center) areas.
A supply of something available for future use; SYN. stock, fund.
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A storehouse for goods and merchandise; SYN. storage warehouse.

storage warehouse
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muški rodračunari

Medium, das Informationen aufbewahren kann • siehe auch Arbeitsspeicher, RAM und Festplatte

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srpski · francuski



ETYM From French attique, orig. meaning Attic. Related to Attic.
1. Informal terms for a human head; SYN. bean, noodle, noggin.
2. (Architecture) A low wall at the top of the entablature; hides the roof.

Attic · Classical Greek · bean · bonce · dome · garret · loft · noggin · noodle + prikaži više

hot water tank




ETYM Icel. lopt air, heaven, loft, upper room; akin to as. lyft air, German luft, Dan. loft loft, Goth. luftus air. Related to Lift.r /> 1. A large unpartitioned space over a factory or warehouse or other commercial space.
2. A raised shelter in which pigeons are kept; SYN. pigeon loft.
3. An open space at the top of a house just below roof; often used for storage; SYN. attic, garret.
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attic · garret · pigeon loft



A device where information can be stored and retrieved. In the most general sense, memory can refer to external storage such as disk drives or tape drives; in common usage, it refers only to a computer’s main memory, the fast semiconductor storage (RAM) directly connected to the processor. See also core, EEPROM, EPROM, flash memory, PROM, RAM, ROM. Compare bubble memory, mass storage.
In computing, the part of a system used to store data and programs either permanently or temporarily. There are two main types: immediate access memory and backing storage. Memory capacity is measured in bytes or, more conveniently, in kilobytes (units
of 1,024 bytes) or megabytes (units of 1,024 kilobytes).
Immediate access memory, or internal memory, describes the memory locations that can be addressed directly and individually by the central processing unit. It is either read-only (stored in ROM, PROM, and EPROM chips) or read/write (stored in RAM chips). Read-only memory stores information that must be constantly available and is unlikely to be changed. It is nonvolatile—that is, it is not lost when the computer is switched off. Read/write memory is volatile—it stores programs and data only while the computer is switched on.
Backing storage, or external memory, is nonvolatile memory, located outside the central processing unit, used to store programs and data that are not in current use. Backing storage is provided by such devices as magnetic discs (floppy and hard discs), magnetic tape (tape streamers and cassettes), optical discs (such as CD-ROM), and bubble memory. By rapidly switching blocks of information between the backing storage and the immediate-access memory, the limited size of the immediate-access memory may be increased artificially. When this technique is used to give the appearance of a larger internal memory than physically exists, the additional capacity is referred to as virtual memory.
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ETYM French réservoir, from Late Lat. reservatorium. Related to Reservatory.
1. A lake used to store water for community use; SYN. artificial lake.
2. A large or extra supply of something.
3. A tank used for collecting and storing a liquid (as water or oil).



ETYM Old Eng. stor, stoor, Old Fren. estor, provisions, supplies, from estorer to store. Related to Store.
Or shop; A building or part of a building used for the retail sale of goods. Roman stoae were market stalls enclosed by an arcaded walkway; stores changed little from ancient times until the latter part of the 19th century, when concentration of population and greater availability of manufactured goods gave rise to the department store, in effect a number of small specialty shops unde
r one roof, and to the chain store and the supermarket.
With the spread of chain stores to several cities, all having the same ownership, the relationship between retailers and manufacturers changed. Direct links with factories bypassed middlemen (wholesalers) and lowered costs, in some cases forcing small independent stores to focus on narrow specialties not otherwise available. In the 1970s in the US, to coincide with the population shift out of urban centers, enclosed shopping malls of up to 250 specialty stores, anchored by at least one large department store, were constructed in many suburban areas. These “controlled shopping environments” have music, free parking, movie theaters, restaurants, and, in some instances, even child-care facilities. The idea has been adopted in the UK and elsewhere, although resistance is rising from those who wish to preserve the viability of downtown (urban center) areas.
A supply of something available for future use; SYN. stock, fund.
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computer memory · computer storage · depot · entrepot · fund · memory · memory boar · shop · stock · storage · storehouse + prikaži više



A storehouse for goods and merchandise; SYN. storage warehouse.

storage warehouse
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srpski · francuski



Reč dana 05.10.2024.

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imenica, geografija
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