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ETYM See Grate.
1. A partition, covering, or barrier made of parallel or crossed bars.
2. (Optics) A system of close equidistant and p
arallel lines or bars, especially lines ruled on a polished surface, used for producing spectra by diffraction; -- called also diffraction grating.
3. (Nautical) The strong wooden lattice used to cover a hatch, admitting light and air; also, a movable lattice used for the flooring of boats.
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1. A network of horizontal and vertical lines that provide coordinates for locating points on an image; SYN. reference grid.
2. A utensil of parallel metal bars; used to grill fish or meat; SYN. gridiron.
3. An electrode placed between the cathode and anode of a vacuum tube to control the flow of electrons through the tube; SYN. control grid.
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control grid · gridiron · power grid · power system · reference grid



ETYM French résolution. Latin resolutio a loosening, solution. Related to Resolve.
The smallest signal increment that can be detected by a measurement system, expressed in bits, proportions, or as percentage of full scale reading; resolution in a video system
is the amount of detail in a graphic image.
1. A solution to a problem; SYN. solving.
2. The process leading to the solution to a problem; SYN. solving.
3. Analysis into clear-cut components; SYN. resolving.
4. A formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote; SYN. declaration, resolve.
5. A dissonant chord is followed by a consonant chord.
6. (Computer science) The number of pixels per square inch on a computer-generated display; the greater the resolution, the better the picture.
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answer · closure · declaration · firmness · firmness of purpose · resoluteness · resolve · resolving · resolving power · result · settlement · solution · solvent · solving + prikaži više



In computing, the number of dots per unit length in which an image can be reproduced on a screen or printer. A typical screen resolution for color monitors is 75 dpi (dots per inch). A laser printer will typically have a printing resolution of 300 dpi, and dot matrix printers typically have resolutions from 60 dpi to 180 dpi. Photographs in books and magazines have a resolution of 1,200 dpi or 2,400 dpi.
. The fineness of detail attained by a printer or a monitor in producing an image. For printers that form characters from small, closely spaced dots, resolution is measured in dots per inch, or dpi, and ranges from about 125 dpi for low-quality dot-matrix printers to about 600 dpi for some laser and ink-jet printers (typesetting equipment can print at resolutions of over 1000 dpi). For a video display, the number of pixels is determined by the graphics mode and video adapter, but the size of the display depends on the size and adjustment of the monitor; hence the resolution of a video display is taken as the total number of pixels displayed horizontally and vertically. See also high resolution, low resolution.
2. The process of translation between a domain name address and an IP address. See also DNS, IP address.
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Or health screening; The systematic search for evidence of a disease, or of conditions that may precede it, in people who are at risk but not suffering from any symptoms. The aim of screening is to try to limit ill health from preventable diseases that might otherwise go undetected in the early stages. Examples are hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria, for which all newborn babies in Western countries are screened; breast cancer (mammography) and cervical cancer; and stroke, for which high blood pressure is a known risk factor.
The criteria for a successful screening program are that the disease should be important and treatable, the population at risk identifiable, the screening test acceptable, accurate, and cheap, and that the results of screening should justify the costs involved.
1. Metal or plastic mesh fabric.
2. The display of motion picture; SYN. showing, viewing.
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cover · covering · masking · showing · viewing

Reč dana 20.09.2024.

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