Marihuana prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

Marihuana | nemačko - engleski rečnik



ein Rauschgift aus dem Harz einer bes. in Mittelamerika u. den südl. Staaten der USA angebauten Hanfart (Cannabis sativa); mit Cannabinol als rauscherzeugendem Bestandteil. Die Wirkung entspricht der des Haschisch.
(mexikan.)(latein-)amerikan. Bez. für die getrockeneten und zerkleinerten Blätter der Hanfplanze, aus denen das Haschisch stammt, im Handel meist vermischt mit Tabak.

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A strong-smelling plant from whose dried leaves a number of euphoriant and hallucinogenic drugs are prepared; SYN. marihuana, ganja, pot, grass, dope, weed, gage, sess, sens, skunk, Mary-Jane, Cannabis sativa.
The dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa), used as a recreational but illegal drug. It is eaten or inhaled and causes euphoria, distortion of time, and heightened sensations of sight and sound.
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ETYM Akin to lg. pott, Dutch pot, Dan. potte, Swed. potta, Icel. pottr, French pot; of unknown origin.
1. Metal or earthenware cooking vessel that is usually roun
d and deep; often has a handle and lid.
2. A container in which plants are cultivated; SYN. flowerpot.
3. The quantity contained in a pot; SYN. potful.
4. The cumulative stake in a game (such as poker); SYN. jackpot, kitty.
5. (Informal) Slang terms for a paunch; SYN. potbelly, bay window, corporation, tummy.
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