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ženski rod

Planmäßige sowie unbeabsichtigte Einwirkung von Erwachsenen auf Heranwachsende. Die geplante E. versucht durch bestimmte E.-Maßnahmen, z.B. Ratschläge, Unterricht, Hilfe, Vormachen, und durch E.-Mittel, wie Lob und Tadel, Lohn und Strafe, auf den zu Erziehenden einzuwirken. E.-Prozesse sind eingebettet in die weiteren Einflüsse der Umwelt. Die E. beginnt unmittelbar nach der Geburt mit Ernährung, Pflege und Gewöhnung des Säuglings an die Reaktionen der Erwachsenen auf seine Äußerungen. E. sollte auch zu einer krit. Haltung gegenüber seiner Umwelt und deren Normen ermutigen.
Planmäßige Tätigkeit zur Formung junger Menschen, die mit allen ihren Anlagen u. Kräften zu vollentwickelten, verantwortungsbewußten u. charakterfesten Persönlichkeiten im Sinn der geltenden Persönlichkeitsideale gebildet werden sollen. Zur E. gehören außer Wissensvermittlung u. Ausbildung von Fertigkeiten (Hauptaufgaben des Unterrichts) auch Willensbildung, Charakterbildung, Gewissensbildung sowie die Entwicklung der Fähigkeit, sich selbst zu sehen u. zu beurteilen. Die wichtigsten Institutionen der E. sind das Elternhaus u. die Schule, daneben Kirche u. Jugendorganisationen. Bildung, Pädagogik. Ausbildung

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In biology, the crossing and selection of animals and plants to change the characteristics of an existing breed or cultivar (variety), or to produce a new one.
Cattle may be bred for increased meat or milk yield, sheep for thicker or finer wool, and hors
es for speed or stamina. Plants, such as wheat or corn, may be bred for disease resistance, heavier and more rapid cropping, and hardiness to adverse weather.
1. Raising someone to be an accepted member of the community; SYN. bringing up, fostering, fosterage, nurture, nurturing, raising, rearing, upbringing.
2. General education, usually associate with high culture.
3. The production of livestock for human consumption.
4. The production of animals or plants by inbreeding or hybridization.
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ETYM Latin educatio; cf. French éducation.
1. Activities that impart knowledge; SYN. instruction, teaching, pedagogy, educational activity.
2. Knowledge acquired by learning and instruction.
3. The gradual process of acquiring knowledge.
4. The profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university).
5. The result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior); SYN. training, breeding.
Process, beginning at birth, of developing intellectual capacity, manual skill, and social awareness, especially by instruction. In its more restricted sense, the term refers to the process of imparting literacy, numeracy, and a generally accepted body of knowledge.
The earliest known Europ
ean educational systems were those of ancient Greece. In Sparta the process was devoted mainly to the development of military skills; in Athens, to politics, philosophy, and public speaking, but both were accorded only to the privileged few.
The Romans adopted the Greek system of education and spread it through Western Europe. Following the disintegration of the Roman Empire, widespread education vanished from Europe, although Christian monasteries preserved both learning and Latin. In the Middle Ages, Charlemagne’s monastic schools taught the “seven liberal arts”: grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy; elementary schools, generally presided over by a parish priest, instructed children of the poor in reading, writing, and arithmetic. From the monastic schools emerged the theological philosophers of the Scholastic Movement, which in the 11th–13th centuries led to the foundation of the universities of Paris (Sorbonne), Bologna, Padua, Oxford, and Cambridge. The capture of Constantinople, capital of the E Roman Empire, by the Turks 1453 sent the Christian scholars there into exile across Europe, and revived European interest in learning.
Compulsory attendance at primary schools was first established in the mid-18th century in Prussia, and has since spread almost worldwide. Compulsory schooling in industrialized countries is typically from around age 6 to around age 15; public education expenditure is typically around 5% of GNP (Spain 3.2%, Japan 4.4%, Denmark 7.7%).
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Properties acquired during a person's formative years.

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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

imenica, medicina
muški rod, muzika
ženski rod, gramatika
ženski rod, telekomunikacije