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im Völkerrecht die vorläufige Ausübung der tatsächl. Gewalt über ein Territorium unter Suspendierung der bisherigen Gebietsherrschaft. B. kann als Kriegshandlung erfolgen oder auf Grund eines Vertrages (z.B. die B. des Rheinlandes 1919) bzw. durch Gewaltakt außerhalb des Kriegszustandes (z.B. die B. des Ruhrgebiets 1923/1925).

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ETYM Late Lat. allocatio: cf. French allocation.
(Computer science) The assignment of particular areas of a magnetic disk to particular data or instructions.

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ETYM Cf. Icel., Dan., and Swed. kast.
(Homonym: cast).
1. Object formed by a mold; SYN. casting.
2. The act of throwing dice; SYN. roll.
3. The distinctive form in which a thing is made; SYN. mold, stamp.

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The actors in a play; SYN. cast of characters, dramatis personae.

military occupation




ETYM Latin occupatio: cf.French occupation.
1. The principal professional activity in one's life; SYN. business, line of work, line.
2. The act of occupying or taking pos
session of a building; SYN. occupancy, taking possession.
3. Any activity that occupies a person's attention.
4. A body of people doing the same kind of work; SYN. vocation, occupational group.
5. The act of taking occupancy; SYN. occupying, moving in.
6. The control of a country by military forces of a foreign power; SYN. military control.
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ETYM French translation, Latin translatio a transferring, translation, version. Related to Translate, Tralation.
In literature, the rendering of words from one language to another. The first recorded named translator was Livius Andronicus, who translated Homer’s Odyssey from Greek to Latin in 240 BC.In living cells, the process by
which proteins are synthesized. During translation, the information coded as a sequence of nucleotides in messenger RNA is transformed into a sequence of amino acids in a peptide chain. The process involves the “translation” of the genetic code. See also transcription.
1. The act of translating from one language into another.
2. A written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in a first language; SYN. interlingual rendition, rendering, version.
3. Rewording something in less technical terminology.
4. The act of uniform movement; SYN. displacement.
5. A uniform movement without rotation.
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Besetzung | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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(Theater) Verteilung der Rollen eines Theaterstücks auf die Darsteller.

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